this evening

Mar 19, 2008 22:28

I just got back from the school's library. 2 of my roommates decided to invite their friends over to work on thier dance routine for the school dance squad thing. This was followed by them playing the music for said dance too loud for my tastes-so I left. The pinic tables by the housing building have been mysteriously roped off all afternoon, so I was forced across campus to the library. Luckily I found a nice corner on the second floor where I could relax and do as I pleased. I wrote a draft reply to a pen pal and started reading my book that arrived from Amazon today: Succulent Wild Women by SARK. I'm loving it so far. She seems like such an open and inspiring person. I'm not even half way through the book and I want to write her a letter thanking her for being so awesome. Is that strange? Oh well.

I also just talked to my mom. I'm coming home again this weekend for Easter even though I just got back from my spring break. I told her I wanted to get out of my 3 hour twice weekly History class and she took it much better than I thought. I expected her to explode at me like the last time I brought it up, but she just told me she was disappointed and told me to start thinking about the large picture and all the hours I have have to finish in 4 years. I kind of feel like I'm expected to rush through college instead of take my time and take classes that interest me as well as things for my major. Life is just not about getting a job and getting into the real world. I don't even really know what I want to do after college. Eventually I think I'd like to get a job as Disney because I love going there. But I don't think even in 4 years that I will be ready to move there by myself and make my way. I may want to stay closer to home and work with more local theatre groups. I'm still thinking. But for now all I will worry about it changing my half semester history class to early morning yoga.

I can also now call myself a guerilla artist. hehehe. I sent an envelope to the people in charge of and received some silver stickers that say just that on them. Today I put 2 out in spots around my campus. One is on a brick pillar by the mailboxes and the other is on a shelf on the 2nd floor of the library. :) It felt exciting and some what naughty while putting them up. I just hope that they help brighten some one's day unexpectantly. I placed a index card with a Hunter S. Thompson quote on the school paper holder and the next day it appeared someone swiped it. Next I want to do something like this around St. Marys.

  at the library,at the end of the row

 the brick post made it kind of wonky looking but hopefully the shineyness will catch some one's eye as they turn away from getting thier mail.\

 the Hunter S. Thompson quote. I left this on March 5.

 closeup of the quote :)

Good day overall. =)

keyword-80, keyword-81

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