Things I Love Thursday

Feb 21, 2008 22:28

[gah, lj internet died deleting my first attempt. :( So let me try again ]

<3  Last night's lunar eclipse (It was my first time seeing one. I sat on the 2nd level staircase of my dorm and watched to moon and all the people coming outside.)
<3  The Secret Garden (movie, musical, and it's been a while but I think the book too. Such a beautiful story filled with wonder and magic. <3 )
<3  Scene design class (It's kind of frustrating because I am not a very artistic drawer, but it's interesting to analyze a play and then try to show your ideas thru the set.)
<3  the gentle rain outside (even though it means I can't sit at my picnic table and read)
<3  Being talked to by people in my classes (You see, in high school, I think I got used to just being the girl in the backround, so now it's harder for me to go out of my way to talk to people if I don't know them. If they start the conversation it's easier for me to get to know them.)
<3  That spring is coming (I want to see flowers!)
<3  Myself for riding down Abecorn Street by myself next to the crazy drivers, and thru all the construction to the pulmonary doctor after getting lost twice.
<3 The name Lily (Two characters in books have the name and I'm starting just to like it. It's pretty.)
<3 I just downloaded an audiobook of his because he seems pretty inspirational
<3  Seeing my Dad on Saturday (the younger travel softball team comes to Savannah for a 1 day tournament. I can't wait to see him and be able to take some more softball pictures!!!)
<3  Anthony Warlow (look him up on Youtube and listen to this man's voice. It is amazing! I love him. )
<3 The sea (I wish I had a car so I could take a day and just go to the beach and read, write, take pictures,have a picnic and observe and maybe meet people)
<3  This Harry Potter fan fic  Snape getting a chance to re do things in his life. It seems pretty in character too.


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