Yay for time-wasting picture posts!!
So, this is my room. Woot.
This is my bed/desk/wall o' coolness, as seen from my window.
Yay desk
Window/part of my closet
The Chair. And The Coldplay Poster.
Wall of quotes and other random stuff, conveniently located near my desk for optimal distraction levels.
View from the door... note the sweet curtains on the ceiling.
Picture shelf, which is not even near to being completed. A shrine to
Abby's Mom's artwork is on the powerstrip below. Woo! Awesome cards.
Things to note in general: The cool ceiling, the quotes, the pictures
and posters (uh, hello, PRINCESS BRIDE! yeah, that's right. also
coldplay), the infamous Chair, my plethora of IKEA items (most of the
lighting, the rugs, the duvet). If anyone wants anything explained to
them, leave a comment, because I do have some crazy stuff in here.
P.S. My room is only this clean because I'm obviously procrastinating. hahaha
I think that's all... one of these days I'll do a post of people and
stuff, but for the time being I don't feel like it. I might run to
Weshop or something now, or maybe I'll actually do some reading. Ha.