Dec 29, 2008 00:08
1. Trying to look like an adult when you're 5'1 and have the face of a 12 year old.. is quite painful. Mostly, it's difficult and takes way too much of my time.
2. I need to learn grown up terms... terms like "literature review" instead of "reading papers."
3. I never liked making things sound fancier than they are, which is why "growing up" is such a pain. I am in realty just sitting on my ass and reading papers. You guys can call it "literature review" all you like. Makes you sound IMPORTANT, right???
4. I give up on jeans. I'm just oddly shaped. A lovely odd shape though.
5. I don't like this whole buying and selling of water thing. It's dangerous.
6. Just didn't want to end on 5!