Apr 08, 2007 08:09
BFN. But no AF, so I must not have ovulated when I thought I did. So, still, I wait. Someone on a board I frequent announced she was pg this week. I have not yet congratulated her. I really need to. She is a really nice girl. I really want to. But, I have to confess, I am so jealous. :(
In happier news, last night we filled out our week nine report for our Financial Peace University. The flyer we got for the class said that the "average" couple eliminates $5300 in debt and saves $2700. When we started the class, I thought we would be very lucky to save the $1000 for baby step one and have to use our tax refund to fund it. Thus far, not only have we saved $1000 for baby step one, but in the last nine weeks we have eliminated $4122 in debt!!! And our tax refund was about half of what it was last year. $1400. That is amazing for us. It was a struggle to come up with the $100 to take the class. I have to say it has probably been the best financial investment of our lives. God has been so faithful to provide opportunities to make extra money. Tom has worked so hard. He picked up cans, worked scrap metal, hauled off an old car, sold two of his guns (and one of mine LOL), he takes is lunch almost every day. He is living the Dave Ramsey lifestyle w/ gazelle intensity. :D I am so proud of him!
I need to go get ready for church. Happy Easter! I expect an awesome service today as we celebrate our risen Savior.