Mar 02, 2007 20:22
Five more days before I start my last round of Clomid. *sigh* It makes me sad and relieved at the same time. Sad to think that I may not get to have a second child. Relieved to be off the roller-coaster of TTC. I don't know what ever made me think that getting pregnant again might be easy.... we were married fifteen years before being blessed with Thomas. I wonder what March holds for me?
On a brighter note, I have become a huge, huge fan of Dave Ramsey. We are enrolled at Financial Peace University at our church. We are currently in week four... in the last four weeks we have saved over $600!! Of course it wasn't easy. We cut things in our budget - we actually made a budget! lol DH worked over-time, we sold stuff on ebay, picked up aluminum cans, and are demo-ing an old mobile home for the aluminum siding.
I guess that is the genius of Dave Ramsey is he makes you believe you can do it. He motivates you to do more with less. Even Dave says his ideas are not new or novel, only packaged well. If you get the oportunity to go to FPU, do it. Even if you are not a Christian, it will change your financial life.
In one year we will be debt free and well on our way to financial peace!