(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 08:56


Okay so Heathrow (in London) is requiring fingerprinting for boarding flights later this year. I find it amusing that the brits are up in arms about this, "our civil liberties are being stripped!". Yeah... we realized that 200 years ago, and you're on the fast-track to rule under Islamic Fascism.

I digress. I think fingerprinting would be awesome. The bastards have or can get everything they want on me with a light bit of hacking, (you don't need badge to steal an identity). And the new passports have everything stored in a chip embedded into the pages.
So why not store that passport info on my fingerprint? or an eye-scan? 1 time lifetime registration (unless you lose your eyes or sever a hand). Then when you travel if your passport is stolen, no worries, just look in the scan, swipe a print, and you're on. Much more secure than a piece of paper with your life on it.

Have the damn scanners all over the airport interiors (past the metal/bomb detection gates), if someone is detected that isn't an employee or doesn't have a ticket on file for departure in 24 hours, security is alerted and the person is removed.

Minorty report, but as long as we continue to grow exponentially as a species, we cannot continue to rely on arcane methods of security.

Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax: 
imposed to fund Social Security and Medicare

wait... don't I already have wages garnished for Social Securty every month? And why is this considered a "tax" if I'm not allowed to deduct it when I file either my state or federal income tax? It's coming out of my gross income, my gross income is what determines whether I "PAID" enough to the imperial federal govenment each year, why is this "tax" not includable in my deductions?

My GOD people wake the fuck up. The government is STEALING your money. Our current system of Tax CANNOT continue. Think, THINK dammit. Even if it was just a flat sales tax it would be sooooo much better. You can go without buying a stereo, you can dump tea in a harbor if the taxes get too high. But unless you want to STARVE to death, or become an urban outdoorsman, you CANNOT avoid working and getting a paycheck. 
And, CURRENTLY, if you work and get a paycheck, you have NO power to say when a tax is unfair, because it is STOLEN from you before you even get your money.

Its sickens me how little people know about the way the world works. It's NOT fluffy and cuddly. It is cruel and viscious and you will get eaten if you don't start doing things for yourself and planning ahead.

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