From Chellie <3

Dec 30, 2006 01:07

In the beginning of 2006..

-Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
-How old were you? 16
-What was your outlook on the world? "The fireworks outside are really loud.."
-How were you doing at school/your job? Bad
-What did you most look forward to? Going home.
-Did you make New Year's Resolutions? No
-What was your biggest worry? School.
-Who was your best friend? Justin & Alex
-what did you do with your spare time? Chill.
-What did you do for fun? Anything.

In the middle of 2006..

-Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Wow.. I don't know.
-Had your outlook on the world changed? Yes.
-What did you spend your summer doing? work.
-Did you get tan? xD Yeah you get a tan working in an office all day.
-Who'd you hang out with, mainly? Ross & Aldrine.
-Did you go visit anywhere? States?
-What was your biggest worry? My relationship.
-What was the most fun event that happened? xD Meeting Aldrine.

Near the end of 2006..

-And how's your relationship status now? Simply blooming
-What major changes have happened since the year began? broke up after a long term relationship, i got a job, im doing better in school.
-What thing that happened stands out in your mind? Summer.
-How have you changed? My hair is gone, I rock the emo style
-What was the most embarrassing moment? xD
-When was your lowest point? Riding around in a cop car at 4 in the morning with my wrists bleeding.
-Are you happy with how the year went? yes
-What thing would you change if you could? nothing.

For 2007

-What do you plan to not do that you did this year? my summer incident
-Do you think it'll be better than this year? yes =)
-Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year? in some situations, maybe.
-What do you plan to do next year? graduate
-What are your pre-New Year's resolutions? Hmm.. put school first.
-Who are you spending New Year's Eve with? DARIO ! <3
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