Prepare to flail with me, ladies.
Today I finished my Asian Film exam (which, god bless america, was so much easier than I thought it would be) and Ruth was meeting me outside the library. First off, I started skipping/running towards her, flapping my arms like a bird, yelling, "I'M FREE. I'M FREEEEEEE~" which, in retrospect, is embarrassing enough.
I knew she'd gone shopping. Then this conversation took place.
ruth: do you like jay chou? was that you?
me: i know of him, yeah.
ruth: oh, well /pulls out dvd from bag and passes it to me
SO I INHALE LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER. STARE AT THE DVD. SQUEAL. She continues talking down the sidewalk, and my legs literally give away, and I collapse on the sidewalk, silently shrieking to myself.
Meanwhile, people are passing by us, giving me dirty stares. More fucks could not be given. I've been waiting for this series to be released since first announced. I started the manga (Jess & her roommates buying me the sixth volume for me for Christmas, a complete surprise to me), and always meant to watch the movie but I either couldn't find it in stores, didn't have the money, couldn't play the downloaded file, et cetera. Then last semester, Ruth bought me the first DVD as incentive to quit smoking, which didn't happen, and turned into part of my 20th birthday present. Now she buys me this for (I just had to ask her why lmao) FOR NO REASON AT ALL, PEOPLE. She says she saw it, knew I wanted it, and just bought it for me.
Like. Oh god. I am so pleased with the friends I have made this year at university. Everyone is so nice and welcoming and friendly and beautiful inside and out and we all get along so well. All our Japanese friends are now counting down to the end of exams, and we're trying to spend our time productively to be with each other as much as we can. It's so sad to think of leaving these people.
This turned from superflail to supermush. HAVE PHOTOS.