Day 20 - A hobby of yours
I posted Day 19 just five hours ago, but what the hell, it's 5am and I haven't slept, so I may as well just post this one, too.
I like to edit.
I started editing Sailor Moon & Death Note fanfiction. Then I poked around video editing and found out I aboslutely adored it. I've also added editing for fansubbing teams to my list, and even though I've only finished one project, I truly enjoy the work.
I know how broad the word "edit" can be, but as you can see, I like editing of all kinds. Just last week, a friend from junior high messaged me and asked if I'd look over a piece of her writing, because she knew I edited fanfiction. I'm also going to Japan (in a number of years...) as an English teacher, which will be "editing" people's English, in a way, and I'm hoping to become a translator; editing documents, film and so on.
So yeah, I guess it's safe to assume that my hobby would be editing. I'm attaching a link to my second Youtube account, chimotofukachan (don't ask) where I just uploaded a fanvideo of Nino's 2003 drama Stand Up. I started it at midnight, finished 3:30am and haven't slept yet.
It's now 5:23am.
Click to view
Please feel free to comment, especially with criticisms; I made it relatively quickly, given it's only my third video ever, and I truly want to improve.
Alright, enough pimping myself out, good night morning everyone!
And to go against my previous post; this, I am entirely proud of.