Wow, my LJ is 8 years old today! Hard to believe it!! I started this journal because I had just watched Veronica Mars and had gotten hooked on it. I had missed the first 15 episodes on tv but caught up before episode 16 aired. VM sparked my interest in graphics and web design. I couldn't wait to start making icons and graphics. Who knew?!
I'm so stoked for the movie! I'm so happy that the kickstarter did so well! I still wish someone had bought the damn movie theater though, there was 1 left at $5,000. It would have put more $$ into the campaign. It ended at 5.7 MIL which is awesome! It looks like Jason Dohring also made a suprrise appearence at the Duck Pub that Rob Thomas set up for VM fans in Austin. How cool is that?!? This girl was like OMFG Logan is here!!! Hahah, so cute! :)
I capped Moonlight for myself, so let me know if you are interested in caps. They are DVD caps, but I have to say they are pretty damn clear! I'm kinda stoked about them. I've been making icons, so be on the lookout for those at
toxic_cloud later on this week.
I've been thinking of cutting my hair VM season 1 pilot style for a while now. It's geting to be hot central here and it will only get worse! My hair is so long and thick it's ridiculous. I have been living with my hair up in a bun lately because it's just been too hot. I was thinking if I cut my hair in a ton of layers and thin it out that it should lay correctly. I sent my hairdresser some photos of the KB pilot style and she thinks I could do it and it would work well. She did say I will have to flat iron it before I go to bed in order to get it to lay right. I will also have to flat iron the ends to flip them out when I get up in the morning. She will be thinning it out as well as adding some more layers. My aunt said that she thinks I should do it too. The good thing about it, if I don't like it my hair grows like a damn weed so I won't have to live with it that long.