Is anyone else freaked out by the Bob the Enzyte Guy?
I'm serious. He's always got this huge smile and his wife looks insane. I forget who, but one comic (woman, obviously) did a routine where she practically beat her hubby (not rl hubby, but for joke's sake) off with a stick cause he was always so horny and she was always so tired. I don't understand the whole ED market. To me it seems like it's fighting nature (which it is) and that's wrong. If a guess can't get it up, then he obviously isn't meant to contribute to the gene pool. And you never hear of it happening with guys under, say, maybe 40-ish (give or take a few years), which is usually around the time women stop bein' able to reproduce anyway.
And, yes, I realize that's a rather ironic rant coming from a slash fan and pro-gay person. *shrugs* Maybe I'm idealistic but it's more about the emotions with me. *pauses* Okay, yes, the smut is hot as hell, but what I like about slash is the emotions. They seem deeper somehow that het pairings. Maybe because in slash (if done well, that is) it's more of a challenge. There's more to lose and less certainty involved. Cause yer never positive the guy yer crushing won't deck you should you hit on him. Usually the best fics are the ones where there's a deep friendship beforehand and they just drift towards it naturally.
I think SGA is my favorite slash fandom ever because of the deep friendship between John and Rodney (or Rodney and Carson or Rodney and Radek). Same goes for Jack and Daniel in SG1. There's this one series I absolutely adored (AU of "Torment of Tantalus" where they get stuck on the planet for a time before escaping) but seemed to be abandoned partway into the sequel. Massive fic and very well done. Wish I had the link off hand. It's a wonderful example of the friendship between Jack and Daniel evolving into something more.
*shakes head* I'm ranted out. I hate when I lose steam like this. Anyway. Came across this meme from
burningchaos. Looked fun.
Neberu: The Fiends
The Fiends directed the course of the sun, moon and
stars. They were the bearers of the complex
patterns that governed the tides, seasons and
portents of Heaven. Where they were once
oracles dispensing wisdom and warnings, they
are now the masters of nightmares and curses.
Choose your Place in Hell. brought to you by
Quizilla *G* Heh. Wicked.