I know, I know, I don't write, I don't call, where's the love, huh? Well, school's about eaten my life, and just trying to relax and recover and prepare for next semester is eating the rest of my time.
I'm currently in Seattle with
ravenlaughing and having a blast. Flying oddly wasn't as bad as I thought (and feared) it'd be. Y'know, once I got into
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Really? Huh. See, I don't read much Dean/Cas fic, but in the show I consider it practically canon. Especially later in Season 5. Season 6 does kinda Joss it, but only a little. Especially in Season 6, they get very shippy. Seriously, they do everything but actually say they love each other. I honestly wonder how folk DON'T see it. Sorry, I will hush about my ship. Mostly I tend to ship Gabe/Sam.
Joshua...you HAVE seen Dark Side of the Moon, haven't you? If you have, I'll explain Joshua's name, otherwise, tell me when ya do see it. :)
Zach...oh, Zach. No, Zach's an ass. Anna...I never liked her. Something about her just grated, and I could have strangled both her AND Dean when she slept with him. I really liked The Song Remains the Same. And yeah, Raph comes back, particularly in Season 6. He's annoying and must die.
Yeah. I like Chuck. He's made of Awesome.
Dude, I didn't realize there was actually an overlap there... nice! 8D
I don't remember when I caught on... maybe the first time I watched Mystery Spot (as I've only watched it once)? Dunno. It just seemed like there was TOO much power there. Don't think I necessarily caught on to the angel thing before it was revealed, though-- I tend not to jump to that conclusion. Which is why Anna confused me at first... but we won't go there.
I loved that episode, but MAN did I cringe when those two started pulling off Sam's nails.
I know, me too, but it's like... I see it as puppy love, some part of me can't get past that. (Hey, I'm not arguing, mostly.)
Haha, that's one I don't quite get, at least not yet... I admit, I'm a Wincest girl.
Had to check the wiki on that one-- no, that's about two episodes after the last one I saw. I'll let you know ^^;;
Yep. And yes, ask spiritofanangel, I spazzed when they did it. I was like "DEAN ARE YOU STUPID. GO BACK TO CAS." (She laughed at me.)
(I figured as much. I just haven't seen it.)
*snicker* Chuck. He's made of dork. (But a good kind :D)
I've watched all the Trickster/Gabriel eps multiple times. They're among my favorite. I think I have Mystery Spot practically memorized. *L*
Yeah, the part with the nails made me cringe, too.
Puppy love...yeah, I can see that. Cas is way too innocent in the ways of the flesh. Maybe that's why I don't read Dean/Cas fic all that often. Unless it's 2014!Cas, it's hard to see him in a carnal way. Unless it's an AU where he's always been human. There's some good ones of those out there.
Oh, there's another out there? :D I love me some Wincest, too. They really are perfect for each other.
I think that's what I love most about SPN fandom: there are so many damn pairings that WORK. And most of them are slash, which is better in my book. It's awesome.
Ah, kk. I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, then. Be careful of what you read on the Wiki (you DO mean supernaturalwiki.com, right?), though, cause if it's already aired, their no-spoiler policy becomes void and some stuff on their character pages is spoilery. Very, very spoilery.
*LOL* Chuck is a dork, yes, but he's an adorable dork. I loved The Real Ghostbusters (the con ep). He was so adorably cute and confused. Oh, and Becky! I adore her to BITS!
And yes, Sam was awesome-- but dammit Sam, demon blood is bad.
I've watched most of it once, and the last episode of Season One twice-- the first time on my best friend's DVDs, the second once TNT started doing reruns.
HE IS. Haha, yeah-- that made me laugh SO hard... "Are you stoned?"
"Generally." XD And Cas talking about orgies... WHAAAT.
...I suppose... I think I'd still have trouble with that!
Of course, psh. They're lovely on their own, but come on. Toppy Sam = win. (Because Dean is angst and could never dominate Sam without being horribly horribly hard on himself for it... though occasionally that's fun to read too.)
Thank you. (And yeah, I've been sticking to 'wait, I've seen this one, right? Okay. Next one... nope, first few sentences don't sound familiar.' So that way I can refresh my memory on which is which without too much danger of spoiling.)
Yes, yes he is. OH I LOVED THAT ONE. ♥ Pff, Becky... I can't say I like her, terribly, but she's a funny character, at least. I love how diplomatic Sam was-- he was kind enough to act kinda sad when she announced that she and Chuck were together. *snicker*
*L* I know, I know, but Sam resisted! Not only that, he killed Famine! Go Sam!
Nice. I'll admit that I've only watched the series, mostly, once or twice. Once when I first went through it, then some eps again for the commentary or such on the DVDs. Others, multiple times just cause I like them.
*giggles* I love 2014!Cas. He's awesome. *LOL* Really? Wow. I guess cause of the canon-given orgies I can see it with him, then.
Good policy. I know sometimes I need that to remember which ep is which. At this point, I know I've seen them all (went through methodically), but I only remember my favs off the top of my head.
Hehe, Becky's adorable. She grows on ya, like fungus. Yeah, Sam was the best. He really is good with people. *snicker*
Yeah. Good thing. PFF.
Haha, like I said, I've only seen one episode twice... I'm a little new XD
I know! It's funny... "Go wash up for the orgy." WTF?! I just-- I can't XD
Yup. Same, though some titles stick and some just don't.
Meh, she's all right. Pretty much XD I ♥ Sam.
I've been told I love Dean probably because I'm just like him-- I said, "what, flirty and tactless?"
Incidentally, the reply was "NO, because you're into classic rock, still use tapes, and are generally sarcastic like him-- especially to hide stuff!" I didn't feel all that much better XD
*giggles* That's why I like Dean. I'm too much like him, but Sam...I'm really emo like Sam. And clueless like Cas. Hehehehe...
Oh, I am-- just newer there to. Like I said, I've only seen a lot of it once.
Haha, I love Sam's puppy-eyes. Too cute. (Also: Bad Day at Black Rock. That is all.)
...99 Problems I have not yet seen. I can't wait~
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