
Jan 30, 2011 17:35

So I'm addicted to Fable III on the XBox 360. That game is fucking addicting. It's like Dragon Age, where there's so many different choices you can make to mold your character and really, you can play the game a dozen times and never have the same game experience twice. It's amazing and fun.

However, having said that, I love Fable II better. I got it after I got Fable III and played it after I beat III for the first time. II is...I like the controls better. There's a bit of a learning curve when you go from Fable III to Fable II, control-wise, but otherwise it's just as in-depth and the storyline is magnificent.

Fable III...it's glitchy as hell, when you get down to it, and it's like they took all the good things about Fable II and took them out and hid this action by prettying up the graphics by a factor of 50. Still, given the issues I have with Fable III, it's a kickass game and even if both of them ultimately set me back more than I'd like financially, I'm glad I got them. Being able to explore the world like you can is still a new concept for me. I'm an old school gamer used to going where I'm told. Even with the Zelda series giving us the option to explore the world as we see fit, it can't compare to the sheer volume of area available for exploration in the Fable games (or Dragon Age, for that matter).

Just thought I'd ramble about Fable for a while. That is all.

xbox, rl, fable

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