A look at my short term "To See" list

Aug 06, 2009 18:50

So I'm bored. And I thought "Why not update my LJ?" Myself answered "Yeah, why not?" So here I am.

Life's looking up. The semester starts a week from Monday. My prospects next semester are looking up. Work is going great. Personal life...getting better.

I'm not always happy but I'm overall happier than I've been in a while. That's good.

I honestly can't think of anything to say besides that.

For work, Bob handed me a bunch of DVDs to watch for quality control. Among them is Blade Runner, which I honestly can't remember ever watching before. Yes, I'm probably the only person on the planet aware of Blade Runner yet has never actually seen it. I hope to rectify that tonight.

The whole list of DVDs is as follows:

Blade Runner (1982. Harrison Ford, Daryl Hannah, others I don't know)
Dreamcatcher (2003. Morgan Freeman, Jason Lee, Donnie Wahlberg...really? I'm just reading the cover. Really? Isn't he in NKotB?)
The Hebrew Hammer (2003. Adam Goldberg, Andy Dick, other folk I don't know)
Secondhand Lions (2003. Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Haley Joel Osment, that vapid whore who stars in the Closer...)
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002. Bruce Campbell, no one else I recognize)
Proud (2004. No one I recognize...but Ossie Davis was also in Bubba Ho-Tep. Huh.)
Letters From Iwo Jima (2006. Ken Watanabe, um...bunch of other people I don't recognize. What do I know Watanabe from? Oh. Batman Begins. Okay.)
The Painted Veil (2006. Edward Norton, bunch of other people I don't care about)

Yes, for Painted Veil, Edward Norton is the entire reason I picked it. I love the man. He's beyond awesome. Proud and Letters I got because I thought mom would wanna watch them with me. She's big on historical dramas based on true stories. And Proud sounded interesting.

Watching Dragonheart right now. Just found it on AMC. I didn't realize who King Einon was until I looked him up. David Thewlis. Otherwise known as Remus Lupis in the Harry Potter movies. I didn't recognize him cause he's blonde in this movie. Also in this movie is Jason Isaacs, who plays Lucius Malfoy in the Potter flicks. I find it funny they both acted in the same movie nearly a decade before appearing in HP together. Also, Dennis Quaid in an action role. Rare, that.

Pulp Fiction's gonna be on Sunday so I set it to tape. Yes, I know, I'm a lost cause. No, I have not seen Pulp Fiction, either. That's why I set it to tape. I'm trying to rectify my lack in cinematic education. I also have Blues Brothers taped. See, I'm trying. Don't know when I'll find the time to watch them, with all these dvds set to watch, but I'll get to them. Just wish my friends were with me cause while I don't mind watching movies alone, an experience back in April watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with a friend showed me how much fun it can be.


Guess I found something to talk about after all. Huh. Imagine that.

dvds, bored, life, movies

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