Aug 03, 2009 22:44

Title: It Was A Dark and Stormy Life
Author: apocalypsos
Addy: http://apocalypsos.livejournal.com/2117185.html
Fandom: SPN
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Spoilers for "Lucifer Rising" and some SDCC spoilers
Characters: Sam, Chuck, Dean, Castiel, others
Summary: Sam joins the game because he is, in all honesty, bored out of his mind.
Comments: OMG! If you need a laugh, read this fic. It's Sam POV (3rd person, subjective, so I'm told. And to think, I wanna get my BA in Creative Writing. English. Ha.) and it is HYSTERICAL. I am not kidding. I laughed through every paragraph of this fic. If I could, I would take this as canon. If the show ended RIGHT NOW, this fic would become canon for me. As it is, I'm tempted to take bits and pieces and consider them canon anyway. Such as Chuck and his online hobbies, or at least what they are as speculated by Sam. Oh, and SAM! Oh he is AMAZING in this. I LOVE him. OH!! And Lucifer! The boyfriend who won't take no for an answer after you dumped his ass so he keeps trying to buy your affections! I REALLY REALLY REALLY want that as canon! Seriously, read this. It's a hoot.

fic rec, spn

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