Title: Threefold Path to Redemption
rei-cFandom: SPN
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Sex and violence. Lots and lots of violence. The first three chaps, in fact, are VERY graphic depictions of torture. The others have it in spots, but 1-3 are the worst. Oh, and wincest, but compared to everything else, is that even a concern? D/s themes
Word Count: 119,000 in 11 parts
Summary: Sam finds a way to keep Dean from going to hell: he'll go in his brother's place. He knows it's going to be bad and that he'll emerge changed. He never knew how much.
Comments: Holy fucking shit. This is...there are no words for how majorly awesome this fic is. I'm slowly jumping on the Sam bandwagon via the antichrist!Sammy car. I wish this was canon because it is so beautiful in its complete evilness. Sammy's still Sammy only...more. And after watching last night's SPN ep, canon!Sammy is going this path. That was so awesome to see. Seriously, it's long but read it. The characterizations are spot on and lovely. I wish this had a sequel because I loved it so much. My only complaint is that it ends rather abruptly, I thought. Chapter 3 and Chapter 11 are the best, I think. Read this, please. You won't regret it.
Edit: There IS a sequel!
http://rei-c.livejournal.com/1107773.html Go there. Three parts, takes place some months after.