I've been meaning to do this for AGES (re: weeks) and figure I might as well now as ever. I'll be puttin' a link to this on my bio page, too, so it doesn't get lost within the memories or other entries. But it's still behind a cut.
I suck at HTML. That I know enough to use LJ competently is a small miracle. So. I'll jus' list these, give thoughts and add to this entry/list whenever I join/get accepted to a new fanlisting. Also, all pics hosted an'
Photobucket. 'Kay? Great! And to start off...
Stargate Atlantis
Synergy Though the first fanfic OT3 I ever read was Gila's (or Zortified, or James, or whichever name she's using this week) "Alone In My Mind" series, this is the first I really believed in. Very few fics capture them well, unfortunately, but they will always be my first OT3. Done right, they REALLY click.
Boys Will Be Boys Ah yes, the McShep listing. Heh. A must-have. I went into the fandom looking for slash, but oddly enough I didn't really believe THIS pairing until...*thinks* I noticed Rodney being jealous of Chaya but it didn't really click in my head until "Before I Sleep" when they snarked about who died doing what. THAT'S when it really hit home that these two were SO shaggin'. Didn't read fic until near the end of season one since I was firmly entrenched in the Buffy/Angel fandom at the time and I don't seem to be able to really handle more than one fandom at a time. Side-trips to other fandoms, yeah, but not really into more than one at once. Anyway.
Mr. Bad News Radek! *huggles Radek, ignoring Branka completely* Yay! If you've not yet picked it up (though lord knows how you could miss it!) I kinda have this thing for Radek. Kinda weird since when I first got into the fandom (by that I mean when I started reading fics. I've watched the show since the beginning; my Fridays belong to Stargate SG1 and SGA) I actually avoided Radek fics.
Gila's is the first place I really looked for SGA fics (cause I already knew her from Buffy/Angel, or as I call it the Jossverse. Yeah, I know about Firefly. I didn't at the time. Deal.) but half of her stuff (at the time, anyway) was Radek fic. I can't remember WHAT got me over that, but I think it might have been "Geek Triad" by...*thinks* Hells, I can't remember. I wanna say "shalot", but I don't think it's her. Anyway. That's the first Radek fic that sticks out in my head. I know it wasn't the first I read, but it's the one that sticks out. *nods sadly* Yes, I am an OT3 whore. I blame Gundam Wing for introducing me to the concept (even though I didn't learn the term until Jossverse, several years later), but Jossverse reintroduced me to it (there was a fandom or two between them. HP was one of them, which DID have an OT3 I like--Herm/Harry/Ron. They so belong together. *looks thoughtful* Wonder if there's a fanlisting for them? Hmmm...) and SGA has hooked me. Shep/Radek/Rodney RULE!
Snarky Rodney. Ah...what to say? I wouldn't want to actually meet him, but I love his character. He'd tear me a new one so fast that I'd be left wonderin' where th' new hole came from. I haven't had the chance to see any of his work outside SG1/A, but I want to. Desperately. Curse me for living in a small hick town! But, seriously, what's not to love? Okay, yeah, he's arrogant an' snarky an' blew up 5/6 of a solar system--but so did Sam Carter! On purpose!! He's so cuddly ("Duet" was a dream come true! *drools as she remembers the bed scene*) and cute and...wow. Smart. Smart, as many an icon claim, is sexy. Very sexy. Yum.
Speed John! He so rules. Starts out as pretty much the lowest of the low in the goons (in practice, if not in technicality) then with one act gets skyrocketted to the top! He so rules.
How Much More Out Can You Get Canon. These dudes are now canon!!! "Duet" was probably the best episode ever. Well, for the McBeck ship anyway. Yay!
Courage Now you might be wondering why I'm using this button instead of, say, the Rodney one. Well, I love the Keeper. I wish she would have lived longer if only to be in more episodes. She is hot. She is cool. She killed off Sumner (or close enough it didn't matter) and got Shep his job. She kicks so much ass it ain't funny. Oh, yeah, other SGA characters are cool, too. I suppose. But not many (at least the bad guys) are as cool as the Keeper.
Atlantica Go Atlantis. If you've not picked up on it by now, I have a thing for Atlantis. I love her dearly. I have loved her from the moment I first heard of her back in SG1...whichever episodes it was at the end of S7. While I would love the show to go more in-depth into the bond between her and Radek Shep, I'll live. What I'd really like to see, however, is clone!Jack come to Atlantis and him an' Shep have a little contest on who can make Atlantis their bitch first. That would be so awesome to see.
...oh, this was the Stargate Atlantis fanlisting? Oops. Yeah, I suppose the show's cool, too. Possibly. ;)
Back to Back I haven't read any fics with this pairing yet, but I'm a firm fan in the show with this pairing. "Lost Boys" was the best episode for them. Ever. The table scene. No one can deny that if they weren't a couple by that point that they weren't after it. I don't care what yer argument is. She's bonin' Dex. End of story.
Lost and Found Atlantis. Enough said.
LOST: The city of Atlantis Even before the show, I believed in Atlantis. I know of just about every place they think it might be. I personally believe it's in either Antarctica or possibly the Caribbean where the Bimini Road was found. The idiot who says it's in the Andes of South America (Peru, I think is the country) is, well, an idiot and needs to get back on his meds. So do the folk who say it's in the Mediterranian. Homer say's it's "beyond the Pillars of Hercules", which is the Straight of Gibralter. Beyond the Pillars, not within the Pillars. *rolls eyes* Idiots.
And, no, I'm not obsessed. Nope, not me. *looks way too innocent to be real*
SGA Slash If this fanlisting has an offical name, I couldn't find it. Oh well. This goes without saying. It's probably the slashiest (sci-fi) show on TV at the moment. It was even the slashiest when Queer As Folk was on. 'nuff said.
David Hewlett I haven't seen him in anything other than Stargate. I cry because of that. He, despite not being the traditional picture of perfect, is hot as hell and smarter than God. Oh, sorry, that's Rodney. But David isn't too far off, as far as I can tell. I can't WAIT for the SGA S1 DVD set to come out. When it does, I'm gonna watch it just for the behind the scenes stuff with David in it. Because. Damn.
Amicitia I love team fics. They so rule. Even though this is for the Ford Era, my favorite team moment is "Conversion" where Teyla, Rodney an' Ronon banded together. If I had to pick one from Ford Era, it'd probably be...*thinks* "38 Minutes". Why? Because even though they were a new team, they already had a dynamic goin'. Wonderful seein' them work together like that.
David Nykl *squee* DN! He is SO with the fans! I LOVE that about him. His guestbook alone is a hoot. He actually put
spubba's pic of Radek holdin' the letter on his GB's page!!! He is so cool. I would DIE to meet him.
Intelligent FlyBoys *hugs boys* My first SGA OT3. I've mentioned how Gila's "Alone In My Mind" is the first OT3 fic I read. She's why I love this pairing. They work. I honestly think her's is the first fanfic I read in this fandom. It probably isn't, but it's the one I remember most clearly. I usually don't remember my first fic in a given fandom. I simply read too much. But this...this impressed upon me the pairing. It's my first OT3 in the fandom and, though no longer my favorite, it still holds fond memories for me.
One In Mind *hugs boys* I love my geeks. My fav moments for them are their back-and-forth in "Storm" and then their bonding moment in "Siege 1". They SO share a brain. I might be a strong McShep shipper, but this is my secondary pairing. Well, tied with McBeck, anyway. I love these guys together. I love Rodney. I love Radek. I love Rodney AND Radek. Go ship them now.
Geek Love Rodney! David! *hugs* This man is an acting GOD. He is...just...wow. Amazing. Wonderful. Stupendous. And hot. Amazingly hot. Dear lords. This man is...well...wow. He's a geek. He's an actor. He's a fanboy. He's a web business dude. This guy is Rodney McKay. Well, the Snark Lite version, anyway. Worship him.
Duet I know I already have one fanlisting to this pairing up. This one, though. Well. Can never have too many. These two are practically canon. This one and McShep are the only two truly canon slash pairings I see. Oh, I love Radek and slash him dearly, but these two are canon. Wonderful, wonderful together. My first slash pairing, actually. Thanks once again to Gila.
A Geek Thing This would be the third one, I think. *shrugs* I love them. They go. Yay!
Atlantis Fic SGA Fic is the best thing ever. I think this is my favorite fandom ever hands down. The crossover possibilities of this fandom alone are staggering. And the plots! The writers have given us fic writers carte blanche (is that the term?) when it comes to what we can do to these guys. Ancient technology is SGA's Hellmouth, but where Jossverse is limited to the supernatural, SGA's plot avenues are limitless. Genderbending? Sure, no prob. Animorphing? Bring it on. Mindsharing? It's canon! What's not to love about this fandom or the fic in it?
Invulnerable "Hide and Seek" is one of my favorite all-time episodes because John and Rodney are like little boys with a new toy. It's the first look we have of them really interacting and it's a wonderful foundation for their friendship. It's also proof of Rodney's trust in John. Cause, I mean, you don't let just anyone shoot you in the leg or toss you off a balcony.
Stargate SG1
Aster Danny! *huggles* Okay, yeah, one of the SG fangirls (damn if I can remember who!) gave a lovely rant on hating the name Danny instead of Daniel and pointed out quite correctly that it's a fanon name not much used in canon in anything other than jest but still! It so fit him when he when he was still geeky. Not that he isn't geeky now, but he's more buff. I miss my floppy-haired, clumsy, geeky Daniel. He was cute. I loved his long hair. Let us take a moment to mourn its passing. *invokes a Moment of Silence*
nineteen sixty nine *hugs Daniel pic* I love this episode. Seeing the gang not only in civvies but in HIPPIE civvies is a treat. Teal'c's hair alone. And Sam's glasses! Jack's *snerk* jacket! Daniel's...well...Daniel. I love time-travel eps and this was. Wow. What's not to love?
Carpe Diem *L* Probably one of my top three favorite episodes if only because I LOVE Groundhog Day-style eps. And, yeah, this was great. I just wish it wasn't a filler. I would LOVE to see Jack spout random Ancient and NOT be infected with the Ancient Database. Or Teal'c and Jack put on a juggling act together. Or beat everyone at golf. Y'know, th' fun stuff.
Teal'c Interupted I only joined this cause of Rodney. I love Rodney in SGA. Oddly enough, I HATED him in SG1. When I heard he was gonna be in SGA, I went into the fandom actively hating him. Just goes to show how wonderful DH is that I now love Rodney almost above all others. Radek and Atlantis have him beat, sad to say. *shrugs helplessly*
Fragile Balance *hugs mini!Jack* Clones! Jack! mini!Jack!!!! I LOVE this episode. And the sad thing? I've only seen it the one time. I keep looking for it in the reruns on Sci-Fi cause after recently reading several mini!Jack fic, I wanna watch the episode again. Doesn't help that I like Michael Welch in Joan of Arcadia. And the really freaky thing? I knew a Michael Welch growing up. Lived a few houses down from me. Not the same kid, no way. Besides the age difference, this Michael Welch is a HELLUVA lot nicer. The one I knew was an ass. Shame. We need mini!Jack in Atlantis. That would be SO cool...
Nowhere On Earth Again, this is only here 'cause of Rodney. Y'know, all of Rodney's troubles in Atlantis (y'know, the personal shield thing, the Wraith stunner to the face, the Genii, y'know, the little stuff) can probably be blamed on Sam and her Kiss of Death? The only reason he's still alive is probably 'cause she only kissed him on the cheek. Jack's the only other guy she's kissed who hasn't died and even that's debatable since in the early seasons all of SG1 died a minimum of four times each, Daniel even more so. Kinda makes you wonder if she ever kissed him, don't it? Anyway. This WAS a cool ep. If only 'cause Siberia was good for Rodney.
My Girl They SO belong together. Seriously. Wow. Can't you see it? It'd probably happen while she's still skitish so before "Fredless". I love crazy!Fred. I hate that they made her sane. That also the era she'd be best for Angel, but that's another pairing all together. So. These guess are great together. Yes, I know he's a demon. Duh. Deal.
Soul This is for Angel fanfiction. Het, slash, doesn't matter. Jus' that it's fanfic. I LOVE Angel in fanfic. Mostly cause folks explore his darker, vampy side more than Joss does. Saber Shadowkitten is my absolute FAVORITE Angel author. She does him like no other and it's a treat to read. Close second would be Medea. Now HER Angel/Spike/Willow series is just...wow. I dunno, maybe they're tied. But in any case, Angel in fanfic is just awesome.
And this is the Fred fanfic fanlisting. I love Fred to pieces, I do, but I prefer her insane. I HATED what they did to her room in "Fredless". And I really hate S5 for what it did to Fred. Oh, not Illyria. She's wicked cool. But they made Fred...*shakes her head* She needs to be insane. *nod nod* Much cooler. Also? She fits Angel and Spike better that way. I suppose Lorne can have the sane!Fred, but the two soul boys NEED her insane. They need to protect her and care for her and yes, I know she's not a baby and quite smart but she's Fred. The only thing sane!Fred is good for (if not for Lorne, anyway) is making Wes an' Gunn realize their love for each other. Oh, that doesn't happen in canon? *frowns thoughtfully* Huh. Could'a sworn... Closed
Dancing With Darkness Dru. Lovely, insane Dru. Though some folk (myself included) believe she's more sane than she lets on. Cause, I mean, it's common knowledge that all of the host dies and it's a demon inside the vamp. If this is the case, then how could the demon!Drusilla be insane? Even if the memories alone are enough to drive her to the brink, I don't think she's as insane as she pretends to be. Look how she plays Angel and Spike off each other. Chances are she's just a Seer whose visions occasionally take control of her. Either way, Dru is so cool.
Wee Little Puppet Man! Awww! Probably my fav Angel ep of all time. Or at least in the top five. *thinks* Or rather, top 3 of the season. Anyway. He's so cute! He's adorable! He's two and a half feet tall, made of felt and can still kick Spike's ass! He even still gets chics in this form! Now ain't that cool or what?
Help Me Dear god. What's not to love? These two work. She needs caring for, he needs someone TO care for. I love these two. The beginning of season 5? Dear god, the ship. And his reaction to Illyria's arrival? Yeah, he eventually adjusted but damn.
I love Dennis. He's awesome. I HATED what they did to him in season 4. They could have done so much more with him in the series. *sighs* We need more Dennis!fic to make up for it. Closed
Joan of Arcadia
I liked Joan of Arcadia. I REALLY liked goth!God. He was the best, I think. I only saw halfway through the first season then I lost touch with it, so I've no clue what all happened pretty much after she smashed Adam's art project and refused to speak to her. *shrugs* Anyway. These three. Love 'em. Enough said. They so rule. Closed
Our Mr. Reynolds Mal!! *huggles* I love his accent. I love him. My fav line is from "Our Mrs. Reynolds" when he tells his 'wife' "If someone's trying to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!" LOVED that line. Mal's wonderful. So cool. He needs to meet Shep. Seriously.
The Methos Fanlisting What's not to love about the ROG? I mean, hell, he's the oldest man alive! He is so crossoverable it ain't funny. I'd love to see him in Atlantis more. I know there's a few fics, but I'd love to see one where Immortality is discovered to be an Ancient trait. That'd be cool.
BAMF! I never really got into Kurt in the comics, though I've read a few with him in it. No, what got me was his movie persona. Wow. He was just...wow. *shrugs* Then again, I've a thing for accents. He and Ororo need to hook up. As soon as I find a Kurt/Ororo movie-verse fanlisting, it's going here.
Burn, Touch, Freeze I love these three together. Can you see it? I actually can't stand Bobby in the movies. Complete moron, I think, but I like him in fic. Movie-verse!Bobby, that is. I don't know the comic-verse!Bobby very well. Other than he's an accountant. And a prankster. Anyway. These three are...it's a shame that Johnny (and how'd he go from St. John to Johnny?) went evil in the end of the second movie. *nod nod* My fav scene (and probably the shippiest for these three) is when Rogue grabs Johnny's ankle after he goes beserk at Bobby's house and uses his borrowed powers to turn down the flames even as Bobby uses the ice to cool things down. Lovely scene. Plus the imagery with these three...wow.
ROGUE & WOLVERINE These two in movie-verse are...they're my OTP. I love them. She is JUST what he needs. Not Jean, not Scott, not Ororo, but Marrie. He's so protective of her it ain't funny. Did you SEE the looks he gave Bobby when he came back home in the second movie? Jeez...if he had Scott's powers, oi. I'd feel really sorry for Bobby.
Believer Aha! Found it! *huggles pairing* These two are...they belong, y'know? *shrugs and grins* I've always loved Storm and I've always had a thing for tails so...*ahem* Um. Yeah. But they work. At least in the movie-verse.
Back to the Future
Old Friends BttF was one of the first movies I can remember seeing. The very first movie I can remember watching with any clarity is Star Trek 6: Undiscovered Country, though I remember thinking that I'd seen the previous five movies. Anyway. I LOVE this series. Since it's been on more lately, I've rewatched them some. The reason for the 1885 pic of these two is because Part 3 is my favorite. I love the old west. *rolls eyes* At least here. I blame daddy being a Western fan (in a major way--very scary) for this, in part. But also, I think it has the most interesting plot. *shrugs* Anyway. These two are SO cool cause despite the age difference (or maybe BECAUSE of the age difference) they click. I've read a few slash fics for these guys (morbid curiousity) but I can't really see it. These two are JUST friends. And that's great.
BACK TO THE FUTURE FANLISTING I think I pretty much gave my comment on this in the previous one. Oops.
Star Wars
Distressing Damsel Princess Leia. Senator Organa. Leia Solo. Daughter of Vader. Pervy twin brother kisser. She has many, many names yet none do her justice. She was (I believe) the first truly feminine heroine. She was a Princess and dainty, yet she could kick ass like no one else when the need came. She's one of the few leading ladies in a movie/fandom that I love both in canon and in fanon. And watching Han court her is funny as hell. Also funny is watching her use Luke to make him jealous. Well, before Luke learned she was his sister and thus a smooching no-no. Pity. They'd actually make a good couple...*pauses* Twincest? What's that? *looks around innocently*
Skywalkers I feel for this family. The name Skywalker is about as cursed as the name Feir. *at the blank looks* Did no one read R.L. Stine's "Fear Street" series growing up?!! Jeez...*ahem* Anyway. I wish we could have seen this family in a world where Anikan wasn't an idiot and Padme didn't die of a broken heart. *tries and fails to say that last part with a straight face* The kids are so much like their parents it ain't funny. Even if no one told me who they were, I would be able to pick out Anikan and Padme as Luke and Leia's parents. Each. And. Every. Time. And speaking of which, was any one else shocked as hell to find that Luke is actually the older twin? You'd think it'd be Leia, with as regal as she acts all the time.
QUIRKY *LOL* These two...they're funny as hell. I love them. Especially R2. Poor droid, he needs a medal for being able to put up with 3PO.
Heroes I actually didn't even consider slashing these two until I was well into the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan slash of TPM. A writer (can't remember who) also wrote H/L besides Q/O and I got curious. I'm actually not much of a shipper for these two (the canon is too strong for me to ignore, unfortunately) but I DO like reading the occasional H/L ficcie. Cause, yeah, not canon in any sense of the imagination, but they could work. I guess cause Luke and Leia are so much alike. *snorts* Exchange one twin for the other. I'd pick Han (and/or Leia) over Mara any day. *shrugs* Then again, I've not read many of the books. I only know enough about Mara to know I'm not that fond of her. I didn't much like the insinuations between her and Palpatine. Ew.
___BARELY BREATHING___ I really wish I could have found a better picture of them that I liked. Anyway. I like these two together. It's actually quite rare for me to like a canon pairing. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it is. These two, though...I really wish Ani wasn't such an over-protective idiot. He loves her with a passion so intense that it's scary. Everything he does, throughout any of the movies, really, is for Her, his Angel. Okay, yeah. *rolls eyes* Maybe not TMP. Or the first portion of AotC, but still. He loves her, HAS loved her from the moment he saw her. Their story is probably one of the most tragic ever told.
Last Promise This is the first Star Wars slash I ever read. I'm still iffy on these two and I can't put into words why. There's a series out there where Obi-Wan hunts through different dimensions for a Qui-Gon without a Obi-Wan. It's over 20 chapters and gods above I wish I could remember the name and who wrote it cause it's the best SW fic I've ever read. It's like the Quantum Mirror-verse eps of the Star Wars fandom. That series alone has probably sold me on the pairing more than anything. Anyway.
Scoundrel's Luck I was never really sold on these two in the movies. It always seemed forced, even moreso than Padme/Anikan in AotC. But somehow it grew on me. Probably because Luke/Leia can never be canon. Though they're done well enough in the books, I suppose. I've only read a handful.
Shakespeare In Love
{ for all time } I loved this movie. I love all Shakespeare movies. Well, in the sense that a movie uses Shakespeare as a plot. Not necessarily a movie based on one of his plays. *cringes as she remembers Leo DiCaprio's Romeo + Juliet* And the fact that Will and Viola truly were star-crossed...well. It actually makes me wanna read the play. The only play of Shakespeare's I've actually read is "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and only because the Gargoyles fandom is based so heavily on it. It was actually very funny. But I have to be in the right frame of mind to translate all that Old English. But the movie. Loved it. Love these two. So sweet.
Simply Sinful Inell is a master. She does things for Spike an' Willow an' Hermione an' Draco that are unimaginable. I really love her stuff. She's probably my third fav author. I can't say enough good things about her.
EPICyclical Cassandra Claire is one of the best fic writers ever. Though her HP series (Draco...something) is good (though I never finished the third part...), it's her Very Secret Diary series in the LotR fandom that I remember her for most. It's the most funny thing in the fandom. Or one of the top five most funny things, anyway. That series of her's has spawned many a spin-off in various fandoms. This chic rules.
Prolific Magic This girl...she's one of my favorite B:tVS writers. Her Abracadabra series is the best Willow/Angel fic I've ever read. She even makes Xander/Cordy tolerable. And the AU based off this fic? Oh yeah. This is the most awesome Willow/Angel fic ever. Read this girl's stuff cause. Damn.
The Princess Bride
Vengeance This guy is awesome. I LOVE his call sign/motto. "I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." LOVE it. Wonderful. This dude is just. Awesome.
The Neverending Story
Do What You Must I loved her the first moment I saw her. The Neverending Story has always been a favorite of mine and she was my favorite character from the get-go. I wish I knew who she was and where she is now cause she rules. But not in the second movie. *shudders* That one should never have been made.
More later!