My latest claim to fame...

May 19, 2008 20:20 having signed up here. Oh boy.

It's basically a ficathon for kink fics. Any fandom, any pairing. You get a "bingo" card of kinks and you have to write at least five to get a bingo. I think I can do it and Meg agrees so...yeah.

Here's my card.

Surprisingly, the only things I have issues with are the watersports (because, ew, yuck, no) and the humiliation (both private and verbal because I don't like being humiliated so I can't see how someone would like it). Nice. I think I can do this. I made a list of fandoms and kinks I thought I could decently and came up with 9 fandoms and 22 pairings off the top of my head. Go me. Now to write it. Oh boy.

fic, kink bingo, fandom

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