Dec 24, 2007 15:02
*facepalm* So I'm watching Letters From Pegasus, more specifically, I'm trying NOT to watch Rodney make an ass of himself. Gods, for his sake I hope that Jeannie's message IS the only one that Ford sent. Or at least saved. But seeing how she was seeing it for the first time in McKay and Mrs. Miller, it's unlikely it made it through. Esp. since it was the last bit of the last message.
But...Rodney. *shakes head* Good lords, my boy is...*sighs*
Oh! Kav's bit!!! *bounces and grins* Given time to say goodbye, he tattles on Liz. *rolls eyes*
Y'know, it strikes me that we're never given an explanation for the beam of light that's in the middle of the village of the planet John and Teyla do recon on. Odd.
*giggles* More Rodney on Leadership. He's so cute when he rambles.
"I could not be more proud of each and every one of them." -- Liz to the families of the expedition. *rolls eyes* Of course you know she wants to add "Except Kavanagh. Sanctimonious ass."
Gods, Liz's hair was...horrible. Tousled has new meaning.