Title: Judas Doesn't Answer
Fandom: SGA/SG1
Rating: R
Word Count: 75,700
Warnings: Canon character death, graphic visual descriptions of gore in places, POV switching, AU, het
Characters: Usual Atlantis suspects plus minor Atlanteans, SG1, Jack, Woolsey, Atlantean OCs
Summary: O'Neill and Woolsey arrive inAtlantis along with SG-1. Shortly thereafter, Sheppardand McKay find themselves in a race to catch a murderer.
Comments: Dear god. Okay, this takes place in a weird AU that branches off sometime after Lifeline. Liz is back with the city, Carter's been evicted back to Earth, and the planet they're on isn't the same as what we saw in Adrift. This story switches POV often, but it's very well done. If you see a line break, it's probably means a POV switch. The POVs go from our boys, to pretty much every character mentioned in this fic. We see the return of a couple of love-to-hate characters and the character evolution of several of our much loved Atlanteans. There IS what I believe to be character bashing, but it's done in such a way that you question if maybe it isn't possible they ARE like this. This is a long read. It took me the better part of the night to finish this. It's suspense, mystery, romance, angst, thrill, action, and drama. This is one of the best fics I've read in a while. Well, since my last "best fic". But seriously, read this. Even if it takes several smaller bites to tackle it, read it. There's several "OMG, I never saw that coming!" twists that are...wow. And they MAKE SENSE.