Even though I SHOULD be in bed cause I haven't slept all night...I'm going through my flist cause I told myself that I would TRY to keep up with it. Sorta. In a "check it once a week" type of way. So I come across this gem. *grins* I'm such a fandom whore, I really couldn't resist...
1. Stargate Atlantis
2. Jossverse (Buffy/Angel, not Firefly)
3. Gundam Wing
Question #1: What are your OTPs for each fandom? Why?
1. Lt. Col. John Sheppard and Dr. Rodney McKay because they click in a way that has so rarely been seen. They COULD be just friends, but even the show's WRITERS are making them slashy so...yeah. When even the writers are OTP fans, you know it's good.
2. Willow Rosenburg and Spike because they match. One was good but got a taste of the dark, one was bad but got a taste of the light. I LOVE Willow/Spike fics BECAUSE of that click. Besides, witches and vamps BELONG together. Every vamp needs a witch.
3. Oh god. This one's hard, but I'd have to say Duo Maxwell and Chang Wufei, simply because one is a hyper ADD pyromaniac with Issues and the other is a scholarly samurai-type with Issues. Plus they look cute together.
Question #2: Who is your single most favorite character?
1. Dr. Rodney McKay, hands down. David Hewlett is a GOD amongst men because of how much...EMOTION he gives to Rodney. Seriously, Rodney's probably the most fleshed out character ANYWHERE and I love him for it. So Rodney, if you ever get over yer Big Gay Love for John, I will SO have yer children.
2. This is tough cause I like three characters almost equally. Willow Rosenburg, Spike and Xander Harris. Willow cause, well, she's a pretty good character. Life's not perfect in her world, but after she wakes the Slayers, she pretty much becomes a Goddess. Always cool. Spike, well, since Angel signed away his Shanshu, it now goes to Spike. Plus I love post-soul!Spike. William is so hot. And following Rodney, Xander is the best fleshed-out character ever made. This guy has had a tough life, yet he's always positive. He Sees what others don't, such as Angel's cowardice during Buffy's fight with the Master and Riley's vamp-whore addiction. Plus he turned out to be a pretty buff and hot looking guy and that eye-patch only adds to it.
3. Duo Maxwell, hands down. Wufei runs a close second, mind you, but it's always been Duo. *shrugs* I have a long-hair fetish. Plus I could identify with Duo very easily.
Question #3: Pick a theme song for either your favorite character or your OTP, what is it?
1. When I first seriously started reading Atlantis fic and getting into the fandom (not watching the show, cause I did that from the beginning, but looking fics and such up), one of the very first vids I came across was
derry669's "Dumb Things". I've been in love with it ever since and whenever I think of John and Rodney, I think of that vid and John pushing Rodney over the balcony rail.
2. Oh god. I'm not a big music fan. I like music, but I don't pay attention, usually, to what I listen to unless I REALLY like it. *thinks* "I'd Lie For You and That's The Truth" by Meat Loaf. It's about doing anything for the one you love. Seriously, you can't say Spike does anything BUT so him and Willow? Yeah, this is their song.
3. Gods, no clue. Maybe "One" by Metallica, for Duo. I could see him in that song.
Question #4: Favorite Episode?
1. There's so many eps I love, it's hard to pick just one. There's Duet, of course, and Grace Under Pressure, and Sunday...I would say First Strike, but I REALLY hate Colonel Ellis. I mean, with a blinding passion. OH! McKay and Mrs. Miller!!! Now THAT was a good ep.
2. Chosen, Halloween (or whatever that costume-morph one was in S2...), that one Xander-double ep with Alex's twin brother from S5 (and to think a year ago I knew all these titles...), Dopplegangerland (because, seriously, vamp!Willow? Who WASN'T drooling?)...Oh god, how could I forget? THE PACK!!!
3. *stares blankly* Uh...the OVA movie? Though I did like that ep/scene where Wufei duels with Treize (sp...it's been a while). And, god, when Duo was captured...guys, it's been almost a decade since I've touched this fandom, I have no clue.
Question #5: Who has been your favorite guest star?
1. KATE HEWLETT!!! David Hewlett's actual little sister coming to play Rodney's little sister is just awesome.
2. Um...not sure, really. Oh! Who plays Drusilla? Her name's on the tip...Juliet...something. Landow? No...*shrugs* But her. She's pretty and I like Dru.
3. ...it's an anime...
Question #6: Favorite or least favorite Villain/Baddie/Mean character?
1. Favorite is, I think, the Wraith Queens. I love them. Also Michael because Michael needs love, too. Least fav is Col. Ellis followed by Col. Everett and then Kolya. Yes, I'm aware that two of these three are supposed "good guys", but they refused the advice of the folk who'd LIVED in the situations they came to "help" with and as a result, things went FUBAR pretty damn quickly. Like John and Rodney, I don't appreciate it when folks bring destruction to my city.
2. Angelus. Just because.
3. I always kinda liked Dorothy Catalonia, myself. And Zechs. and Trieze...As bad guys, that is. My least favorite is that insane creepy nutjob who took command of the moon base late in the series and tried to make life hell for the boys. Can't remember his name, might start with a "N", but he had a REALLY big nose...and a huge creep-factor rating.
Question #7: If you could cross any of these shows with any of your other fandoms, which ones and why?
1. Fandoms NOT on this list? *thinks* Gods. Well, I WOULD love to see the Gundam Wing boys in Atlantis, cause, heh, could you IMAGINE Duo there? Lords. I'd say Harry Potter is the fandom I'd cross it over with. Yeah, done to death, but I can seriously believe that the Ancient gene is also the Magic gene.
2. *blank stare* Strangely enough, I can also see Harry Potter for this one, even though it's also been done to death. Also see the Stargate-verse. That'd be cool. Love the Uncle John series.
3. Resident Evil, hands down. I even have a fic half-plotted with this. OZ finds Umbrella's research notes and, well, it isn't pretty. Basically it's the first RE movie retold with the boys in the roles. Or at least the same type of situation. I should find my notes and write that...
Question #8: If you could write any fic slash, het, gen, anything, what is that ONE story you would write?
1. *rolls eyes* I'm already writing it. Sorta. The series through Atlantis, the city's, eyes. So to speak. *mutters* Really need to finish that...*ahem* Though second up would be a fic where John's a girl who's had a sex change (hence all the girly-gay mannerisms he has) and Rodney finds out when they finally get tired of the UST and hook up.
2. I actually think I've written something...oh yes. The series that inspired my "Atlantis" series, truth be told. It's a self-insert, yeah, but it works. Should find it and maybe clean it up and post the parts I have. It's, of course, not finished. It's kind of a meta/fourth wall look at the shows, but I thought it had promise.
3. See previous question. But I also have a series I did for a time based on the promo pics. I wrote the stories behind the pics. A couple were pretty good. One sucked. Eh.
Question #9: What is your biggest meta-drama-wank issue?
1. Carson. 'Nuff said.
2. Buffy's rebirth. It's pretty much the only thing I hate Willow for. Oh. And Kennedy.
3. *snorts* Where do I start? Fine, fine. Relena. I wish someone would kill that annoying, snobby, spoiled little bitch.
Question #10: If you could have your show extended for another five seasons, what would be some things you want to see?
1. Rodney and John admit their Big Gay Love for each other. Carson. Radek as a regular cast member and having more of a role. Sam die. One of these, for sure, will happen. Guess which one.
2. Willow's big gay break-up with Kennedy and hooking up, instead, with the vamps in LA. Said LA vamps doing business from the Hyperion again after soundly kicking the Senior Partners's asses. More of Illyria.
3. How the gang handles their new lives as Peacekeepers. Heero Yuy putting a bullet in Relena's head.
...well. Hm. I should have done HP instead of GW, but eh. It was the first one I thought of so...