1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?
My face. Depressing as it is to note, I like to keep up on how broke out I am on any given day
2. How much cash do you have on you right now?
Um. When you say 'cash' do you mean bills or jus' money? Heh.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?
Other than the obvious? Lest
4. Favourite plant?
Weeping Willow, I think. Unless it doesn't count. Then the cactus. Or Aloe plant
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
*thinks* Hell, I dunno. I share a phone with mom but we don't really use it to receive calls...
6. What is your main ring tone on your phone?
Some generic ringing. Now Daddy's phone (which isn't, like, four years old) has this disco/70s-60s tune that sounds like the Austin Powers theme. Love it.
7. What shirt are you wearing?
A black shirt with silver and magenta glitter letters spelling 'Love'. In place of the "O" is a sequined flower.
8. Do you "label" yourself?
9. Name brand of your shoes currently wearing?
Barefoot at the moment, but my shoes (outdoor types) are...*blinks* Huh. Skechers.
10. Do you prefer a bright or dark room?
If I'm on the laptop or watchin' TV or such, bright. To jus' sit in? Dark.
11. What did you have for breakfast?
*thinks* A bagal sausage/egg/onion/cheese pocket thingy
12. If you could be doing anything anywhere right now what and where would it be?
Doing something on the set of Atlantis. I don't care if I'm there as the janitor. To be able to be there and chance a look at either Davids, Joe and Paul? Yikes.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Chattin'/RPing with
ravenlaughing 14. What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?
What is this text message that you speak of?
15. Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners?
Once in a very blue moon and usually by accident
16. What's an expression that you say a lot?
17. Who told you they loved you last?
*stares blankly* Oh. Um. Rachel a few months back.
18. Last furry thing you touched?
Troubles about an hour ago. Maybe 30 minutes ago?
19. How many hours a week do you work?
As right now I'm actually working...about 10 hours a week. But after next week I won't be working again
20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
*thinks* We use disposable cameras now days...I think the one we got right now still has film to be used
21. Favourite age you have been so far?
25. I have friends now and I'm moderately happy. Don't have anyone, no, but people actually give a damn about me now so I don't...no. I mind. I care. I can just ignore it for the moment.
22. Your worst enemy?
Weight. Oh. a person? *thinks* Dunno.
23. What is your current desk top picture?
This. 24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
In RL? Um. Told mom her sister, Cyn, called.
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to go back in time and fix all your mistakes which would you choose?
A million bucks. I wouldn't be who I am today without all those mistakes.
I'm 50% LiveJournal!
Middle of the road.
Probably the healthiest place to be.
The LiveJournal Quiz Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes huh.
I'm Papaphobia!
You're Papaphobia, the fear of the Pope!
What's your obscure phobia? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *snorts* Ain't that the damned truth. Benedict is evil.
My life is rated R!
Your life is rated R!
What is your life rated? (MPAA Scale) Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *L*
I'm 40% famous!
You've most likely tasted a decent bit of fame at some point; there've probably been times when people have randomly IMed you having seen you on a web site, or recognized you in a crowd. Now the question is if you want that to happen more often, or less often?
How famous are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes Huh. I ran Toni in google and except for one instance, I'm in all the links in the first page. heh.
I'm the Secret World of Alex Mack!
You're the savvy teen sci-fi comedy The Secret World of Alex Mack - the show that reminded us that there isn't anything toxic goo can't do.
What classic Nickelodeon show are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *blinks* I never even WATCHED Alex Mack! Oi.
I'm a Human!
Though not entirely different from the earthbound humans they're based off of, humans constitute the bulwarks of the galaxy. Although other societies are more unique and cultured, humans are the majority of the galaxy, and thus their lack uniqueness is undershadowed by their abundance.
What Star Wars race are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *snorts*
I'm Vincent Valentine!
Job: Former Turk
Age: "27"
Weapon: Rifle
Birthplace: Unknown
Description: A mystical man, stern and upright while at the same time dark and mysterious. His past connection with Shinra is what made him join Cloud and the others. He may seem frail at first glance, but hidden inside his body lurks a fearsome power.
Which Final Fantasy 7 character are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *squees* Yay! Vince! *glomps the poor guy*
I'm Sailor Mercury!
Every group needs a nerd, and you're more than happy to stand along side with your nose in a book. Strategy is your key to success; the moment your foe has forgotten the quiet girl standing in the corner, you pop up to provide a strategical advantage at exactly the right moment. (Image credit to
Which Sailor Moon Inner Scout are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *nods* Yeah. She always was my favorite
I'm a Hobbit!
Though technically not your own race, you represent what's most enjoyable and best in the Lord of the Rings world. Your love, spirit and selflessness are unsurpassed among your Middle Earth brethren.
Which Lord of the Rings race are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes *sighs* Of course. I already knew this, of course.
My Pope name is Gregory!
Your Pope name is Gregory!
Through the years, 47 Pope names have been taken and one (Peter) has been prophesied. Your Pope name was taken from this list.
What's your Pope name? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes Huh.
I'm a 2x6 Lego Piece!
Long and versatile, you're a 2x6 Lego piece!
What Lego piece are you? Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes Sweet.
And that's it.