Aug 26, 2012 23:27
So today is day one of my elimination diet and I have to say I'm pretty pleased with myself.
No Gluten (wheat), dairy, soy, amines, salyciltes or glutemate.
Not sure I've done it totally right, as I'm not sure if I can use beef mince? (The butcher says it's not aged at all but all the recipes in my handbook call for veal mince so I'm not sure if that has something to do with the amine content?) But at the very least today should have been moderate to low chemical, which is a good start.
I made my own mayonaise, woot. Not something that ever occured to me to do before, but it's such a good idea because it tastes awesome. I got impatient adding the oil and it wouldn't emulsify properly so I ended up adding the egg whites to get it to thicken, but wtfe. Whole egg tastes awesome so fuck you.
I made it into potato salad by adding some chives and mixing it into potato. SO GOOD OMG. And I made some beef mince rissoles with a bit of leek, chives, garlic and some mushed up chick peas. With rice flour and egg, obvs. And I made pear chutney, and fuuuuuuck is that shit good. And I made some chick pea spread which is like hommus, but without the tahini and lemon juice, which I thought would be lame but it's just good in a different way.
So yeah, overall feeling much better about this potentially flavourless diet. I'm not sure how much of the garlic and chives and stuff I can really have as I think they are kind of moderate chemical (which is ok because you would normally eat them in small amounts) so I may have to tone down the flavour a little, but it won't be so bad, I think.
Plus I can go ape shit on the salt, since it's only for a few months that I have to be all hardcore flavourless cardboard food and I'm cutting out almost all processed foods, so it's not going to ruin my blood pressure quite yet.