[--muffled thumping and sounds of struggling underscored by the sound of running water, overlaid with a sudden lengthy, anguished howl that trails off into near-incoherent snarling]
Ff-f--fuuuuckngggghhhkkill'em I'll kill you whoever y'are wherever
[low, drawn-out whine and gasping for breath before the thumping starts up again, although slightly less loud than before, as though the weight mustered behind it has decreased]
Lemme out out out LEMME OUUUTT!!!!
[OOC: Self-invented trap. It's lame, but I shall call it the 'Cement Mixer'. Kenina
can for maximum irony; but instead of water, it'll be filling with LIQUID CEMENT~ so once it fills up to a certain level it will immobilize the trapped person. :D
(Of course, Ken being the idiot he is, went down on all fours to try and bust through the tank wall. Which means he pretty much fucked himself over before he got anywhere. ;;; Dumb puppy.)
Although it's pretty much IRRELEVANT thanks to muse stupidity, the top will have an opening with water gushing down; at random intervals keys will fall in through the opening--it just depends if it's the right one to open the tank door. The best way to ensure escape is pretty much to drink all the water and hope the right key falls in your MOUTH instead of getting lost into the rapidly building CEMENT MIX.
Laaaame. ☆ Oh, well. As for the message, it probably said something about not being willing to trust anyone and the dangers of basing your life around one person, but it's not like Kenken would've listened to it anyway. XD;;;]