writers_muses 29.3.Network News

Mar 24, 2008 06:13

When the nuclear holocaust finally hits, someone will probably put it on Youtube.

It never ceases to amaze me with what people can get away with putting on the air these days and now with the internet and the slew of video hosting sites, every idiot with a camera phone thinks they're Scorsese. We've got a video of Saddam's execution floating around, the Abu Gahraib photos, not to mention the fact that you could find any number of videos of Americans getting their heads lopped off by terrorist if you just scour the net hard enough. Don't people have any shame anymore? Has anyone even heard of the word tact? Isn't the state of the world bad enough without video proof streaming live and on the web 24 hours a day?

Obviously broadcasting mankind's inhumanity is nothing new, the war in Vietnam was the top story on the news every night when I was in college and during WWII there were the newsreels before the films but as we all know they never gave the whole story. Recent years have brought to light that the U.S. Government misreported the number of dead at the time of Vietnam and major companies like Bayer did live human testing on those interred the concentration camps.

I don't know, maybe this age of unabashed truth is a good thing. It let's people know they can't get away with just anything. Maybe Senators will think twice about sex with underage girls and bathroom stall hook-ups because you never know who's watching and filming. Big Brother has been watching us for long enough, maybe it's about time we watched back.

John Munch
Law and Order: SVU

prompt, rant, end of the world, writers muses

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