May 09, 2008 20:00
Really? Okay, well first of all I've got a lot less money and its probably made me a lot more bitter, but that's probably not were you were going with this question. In all honesty I can't really say any of my wives made me a better person or more distrustful of women or anything like that but I can say Gwen made me a better cook, hell it's probably because of her I didn't starve during my frequent bachelor periods.
On our third date I went by her apartment to take her to dinner and she said "why go out and eat when we can stay in and make it ourselves?" When I told her how useless I was in the kitchen, she agreed to take it easy on me. We made spaghetti with homemade marinara sauce and garlic bread. Gwen assured me that it was a fool-proof meal but that didn't stop me from burning the marinara and putting so much garlic on the garlic bread it made my eyes water when I bit into it. Amazingly enough I didn't scare her off cooking with me ever again and we made plans to do it again the next week. She didn't make me into Emeril or anything but I can get by.
Years after our divorce I wasn't really surprised to find out she'd opened a restaurant in Hell's Kitchen. I always knew she would do something with food I just never thought it would be with my money.
Muse: John Munch
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU
Word Count: 252
Partner: Gwen Munch (canon)
couples therapy