You're late
Munch took the stairs of the precinct two at a time. It was summer time again in Baltimore and temperatures were at an all time high. The heat had been causing rolling blackouts and during the night Munch's house had been hit. Of course he didn't know that until he woke up that morning, looked over at his alarm clock and saw it blinking 3:45 at him. Now he was two hours late and breaking a vicious sweat during his impromptu work out.
At the top of the landing he rounded the corner fast and slammed into a mousy looking clerk carrying a large stack of files. John paused for a second to consider helping pick up the mess before turning around and resuming his sprint. He zig zagged through the people in the hall way, some of them frozen in his path like a deer in headlights, no doubt in shock to see him move faster than anyone had seen in recent memory. In his determination to reach his destination, John almost forgot what his destination was. He caught sight of the squad room and darted left. A boom reverberated through the squad as Munch slammed his body into the huge double doors and they went flying back against the wall. Meldrick was leaning against a column reading a file, Munch was only vaguely aware of stepping on something as he ran past.
"Hey Munchkin!" Meldrick cried after him "That was my foot!"
John ignored him and kept going. He was lunging for the handle to G's office when he saw it swing away from him.
"Too late Munch," G said with no inflection in his voice.
"Too late?" John echoed back.
"Boleander got a call about a half an hour ago. You weren't here so he took Kay."
G shut the door in his face. Munch dropped his head between his knees and tried to catch his breath.
"I can't believe it," he said to no one in particular. "I can't believe after all these years of loyalty and devotion, its come to this. Replaced like a worn out bulb. Is there no decency left in the world?"
No one in the squad room had even looked up. Munch threw his jacket on his desk and collapsed in his chair. He felt someone pat him on the shoulder. He looked up to see Bayliss standing over him with a small smile. He placed the coffee and sugar packets he was holding in Munch's hand and walked away. Munch tapped the packets on the side of his desk and idly wondered if he could drown himself in his cup.