Happy New Year

Jan 09, 2013 12:51

So, new year, new start, etc. Which means I've changed the layout of my LJ (though as I understand it, they're about to become more or less obsolete, what with that new friends list LJ are going to force on us) and my icon. Not sure whether I'm really crazy about either one of them, but I spend so little time here it hardly matters, right? I've also done a small flist trim. As usual, if we didn't have much of a connection or haven't interacted in a while I've removed you from my flist - it's nothing personal, and I wish everyone the best.

Big news! Miss Olivia has taken to her big girl bed with zero problems, and I'm super happy! We let her pick out new sheets last weekend, removed the front of her crib, and she climbed right in to try it out. So far she seems to stay in her bed until someone comes in to get her up in the morning or from her nap in the afternoon - there's been no getting out to play or get into mischief. YAY! We also gave story time at the library another try, and it was a success. Olivia wasn't terribly interested in going to sit with the other kids and moms to sing and listen to the story, but she sang along while she did puzzles and played with some of the other kids, so I think Monday mornings will be pancakes at the diner around the corner, and then library time.

In other news, my Internet project for the new year seems to be going well. I don't know whether I'm actually saying anything interesting about the music I've been listening to, but I've been listening to a lot and keeping up with posting every day, and that was the goal. Anyone with suggestions about what I should listen to should feel free to let me know!

I suppose it's time for lunch and a nap now so that we have time to get to the pharmacy and take a walk later this afternoon. Hope everyone's new year is off to a good start!

administrative &tc., in the family way, olivia simone, music is my boyfriend, adventures in motherhood

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