Apr 12, 2012 15:44
Well. I decide to participate in a friending meme, and it seems to have jump-started my interest in LJ again! I've started following some new people and decided to stop following some people. I dumped all my old icons in favor of this new one (yay, nerdy pinup girls!) and changed my layout. My user info got a bit of a tweak, as did my interests. I'll continue to post most of my entries publicly, since I do like to link to my LJ from Facebook if I have something super important to say. I even extended my housecleaning to FB, Twitter, and Pinterest!
My MIL and I have a date to go shopping on Saturday morning. I've needed new bras since December, but am entirely too lazy to go and buy them because that's how much I hate bra shopping. I've also been looking for a new pair of jeans since November without any luck, so I am going to try again with that as well. I'm hoping that hitting up Macy's will be successful on both fronts. Neither MIL nor I are very big shoppers, but I thought some company would be nice, and it's rare that MIL and I spend time together away from our husbands and Olivia.
I think Littlest and I are going to hit the library this afternoon before picking Leo up from work. I need something readable, and the current book I'm slogging through just isn't cutting it.
Next up, my thoughts on yaoi popular female bloggers and their use of gendered insults.
administrative &tc.,
in the family way,
olivia simone,
sometimes i read things