(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 22:17

So, yesterday was a stressful day, as you could tell by my rant. My internet was dying and i just needed to bitch.

but so often we focus on the negative and like... it brings us down. but today was better--granted i had to take an adderall to feel like i could get through the day. like me being awake all day is huge. and gettings thing down and going places. its hard for me. my anxiety really does control. like i try everyday for it not. and somedays it doesnt, but other days it consumes me completey. adderall helps me have energy to tackle the day and not feel defeated after an hour.

but done with work until sunday. i love it there but i mean..its work so obviously i like the break. BIG accounting test. i went to office hours and really tried and studied and well idk at least when i fail, i know it wasnt because i didn't try.

very excited for friday!!! and the weekend and the week. FINALLY SPRING BREAK.

i'm listening to a mix toby made me. toby was someone i had a thing with.. a very intense thing but now he like phased me out of his life. his band is getting big and like doesn't have time for me. i remember the days when i was his best friends and i miss him. i miss a lot of people i used to be best friends with back home. but i guess that is part of growing up....oh ya and MOVING ACROSS COUNTRY. i guess i have to accept that. sigh.

but ya looks like bobby has figured out a solution to the court date thing and the days are now down to 14. i can't wait for everyone to meet him and love him and be happy for me.

wow this is really long. i have so much to say. but ya.
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