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Apr 17, 2009 00:34

Ahaha, man I feel kinda cheap.

Cut for meme )


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seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 08:16:01 UTC
I got $6,575 on this thing. Not bad, I guess?

Then again, anyone would be worth more to science alive than dead, anyway.


tonguejob April 17 2009, 08:19:24 UTC
Ahaha, more than me anyway.

Yeah but I'd rather be dead if they're gonna lock me in a lab.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 08:21:29 UTC
Heh, not by that much.

It's not that bad, anyway. You get used to it.


tonguejob April 17 2009, 08:29:17 UTC
Ahaha, oh well, probably better to be worth less.

Huh, you think so? Seems like it wouldn't be living at all.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 08:40:20 UTC
Guess it all depends on how you look at it, right? Good to be valuable, but not valuable enough that people want you dead for it.

Hell, I know so. I'm still alive and kicking after all this time, so it definitely isn't the end of the world.


tonguejob April 17 2009, 08:45:13 UTC
Yeah, good way to view it I guess.

You're an experiment, huh? Seriously? What's it like? Ever want to just... Walk away? Disappear in the Abyss for a while?

Name's Deidara by the way. Long as I'm getting nosy, might as well introduce myself.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 08:55:44 UTC
I thought so, anyway.

Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not pull something like that, though--Abyss is a pretty shitty place to be for more than a day trip. But it's like.... I don't know. Kind of like living at a hospital, sometimes. They keep you in good shape and do what they need to do, and as long as you go along with it, it's usually not so bad except for the major procedures. And it's not like I'm stuck there or anything. I can go where I want, as long as I come back.

Hoshigaki Kisame. Nice to meet you, Deidara-san. What about you, anyway? What do you do?


tonguejob April 17 2009, 09:02:08 UTC
Ahaha, you're telling me? Fuck, I practically grew up in that cesspit. Dunno if I'd want to live like that, even with benefits... Seems like being on a leash, you know? But everyone has their own priorities I guess.

Nice to meet you too, Kisame. Hm, I'm an artist. Still in college, but have some exhibits.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 09:09:38 UTC
I know what you mean; same deal for me, too.

I don't know.... I guess it's like being on a leash, but it's a damned long one--I think I like being leashed better than being stuck in a cage down there.

An artist, huh? You must be pretty talented, to have exhibits so young. What's your style?


tonguejob April 17 2009, 09:15:26 UTC
Ah, really? So got out with science, huh? Lucky break, I guess.

Can't blame you I guess, leash beats cage. But I'd still want out, in your place.

Yeah, I'm pretty good. Sculpture, lately. Most of my exhibits are superflat, though. You into art?


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 09:21:20 UTC
Yep! No kidding on that one. Whenever I get too antsy I can just go out and do something, anyway; it's not like there's some strict time limit on how long I can be off doing my own thing.

....Besides, I guess as weird as this science stuff is, it's turned out kind of cool, too.

Sounds pretty interesting. I never had much of a chance to look into art before, and I've never really bothered to go find it now; not really sure if it'd be my thing or not. Maybe I'll drop by one of your exhibits sometime, though?


tonguejob April 17 2009, 09:29:44 UTC
Could be worse I guess, for sure.

Cool how?

Mm, you should. Art is... It's what makes us civilized, yeah. It's was gives us soul--the ability to express, the ability to make something emotional, gripping, something that really speaks, tears your heart out, redefines you, makes you feel something--that's art. Real art. Can't say I'm there, yet.

Ah, let me know if you do. Don't worry about being nice, I just like to know honestly if my art catches people--if it's not engaging, then improvement is necessary, until it can speak to every soul.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 09:40:49 UTC
Yeah, seriously. Cool like.... well, the whole breathing underwater thing is nice. I like swimming a lot more now than I ever did before. Not as much of a pain to walk around at night now, either; it's way easier to compensate when it's hard to see.

Huh.... that actually sounds pretty nice. Interesting.

No problem. I think I might swing by sometime soon; there are plenty of worse ways to kill an afternoon.


tonguejob April 17 2009, 09:51:56 UTC
That sounds pretty kickass, actually. Not sure I'd want to be a science project though, even with perks.

Mm, yeah. Art's ever-evolving, yeah. You should look into art, see what catches your interest.


seeingeyeshark April 17 2009, 09:55:46 UTC
Yeah, it kind of is. This isn't the sort of thing I would've chosen for myself, but since it just happened, I don't mind it that much.

I don't know.... I'll look around at a few museums or something, but somehow I doubt I'm the kind of guy who'd make for a good artist. That sort of thing is probably better left to you.


tonguejob April 17 2009, 10:08:19 UTC
Hmm, pretty accepting attitude. I guess there's no point in thinking of it any other way though.

Hm, you might be surprised. Art's more than just figures or paintings. Art's int he soul, yeah, it's emotion, it's life, it's fleeting. Paint is dead, art is alive. What I put on exhibit is... Well it's good, but it's not the soul.

It's hard to describe. True art is something you have to experience for yourself.


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