Title: The Limited Circle
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Pairing: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Summary: “The limited circle is pure.” - Franz Kafka (Or: Six Times Tazer Was an Introvert and Kaner Was Pretty Cool About It.)
Notes: I started this eons ago for
liketheroad because of our shared love of Jonathan Toews' clear introvert tendencies and sadness that they were never explored properly, then forgot about it, then re-found it and was like "hey, I'm almost done with this". So for my darling, even though she isn't really in this fandom anymore. (I love you!)
Thanks go to
staraflur and
thehoyden for whipping this into shape, and
duchessofavalon for assuring me that it didn't suck too much to post. (I love you guys too!)
HERE on Ao3.