Jan 01, 2003 21:10
Well my previous entries were about being pissy and then a dumb survey, so I'll elaborate on the events that happened in the time since. Starting Dec 28th I guess.
Friday: Finally got home from being away for Christmas, that sucked, I won't talk about my Christmas experience other than that I had to shovel the fucking motel driveway cuz there was too much snow and our car couldn’t get up the hill, what the hell. Anyways, Rachel picked me up and we went to Aimee's and watched Robin Williams Live on DVD that Sean brought. Dave, Sean, Aimee, Rachel, Travis, and I were present. Then people wanted food so we ordered stuff from the 99 which reminds me that I have to pay back Aimee. Sean spilt coke on the comforter and I spilt nachos on my face, then we watched office space. People went home, and that was that. It was quite enjoyable I think.
Saturday: After cleaning and stuff, Rachel picked me up, again, and we went to Brooks to visit Erin. Said hi, made sure she knew she was hanging out with us that night and left. We went to Stop and Shop and took cheese samples and stuff, then we went to Rachel's house and watched Gone with the Wind. We watched the 1st tape (the movie is 3 hours and 55 minutes long!) and it was actually pretty good, I enjoyed it. After that, we played spit and went to my soccer game, we ended up winning 9 to 3 but I played pretty poorly I think. I also hurt my foot and it feels like it’s broken, still does. Anyway, went back to my house, took a shower, and off to Erin's house. She followed us back to Rachel's house and Erin drove really slowly but safely, Rachel drove like a maniac :) Travis got there and we started playing hearts and Travis didn't really understand the concept of the game and we just said forget it and said Rachel won. Then we played Clue and I won :) it was fun. Then we got out Monopoly and played until Erin had to leave. Okay here's where it started to suck. We started a new game after Erin left and from the very beginning, I just started to get VERY unlucky, got bad rolls, made a few bad decisions, and by the end of the game, at like 1230, I became bankrupt. And Rachel was really pissed at me the whole time because I called deeder first and when Erin left, I decided to give up the position but she was like, no! You suck! I hate you! It was sad :( Anyway, after I lost pathetically, (Travis won, he had a LOT of cash) we went to Rachel's room and just laid there until 2 and just kinda talked about anything and everything. Then Rachel drove me home.
Sunday: Woke up around 1000 and got ready to goto New Bedford. People got here, and we drove down there. Slept over, watched The Two Towers and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the 2 towers was pretty good but it should be watched on the big screen, Harry potter because dumb and I didn't finish it. For dinner, Uncle Bill made stuffed shrimp and it was soooooo good! Played a lot of Starcraft: Broodwar and some AQ2. My mom taught us chinese for an hour, BLEH! and I read my book and went to bed around 1:30.
Monday: In the morning, we ate french toast and bacon and then played some games and learned MORE chinese. It sucked ass and I wanted to go home early because I was gonna finish watching the rest of Gone with the Wind and I wanted more time to be with Rachel. We ended up going home at like 6 and I had to finish cleaning or something and finally I drove to Rachel's (finally didn't have to have her pick me up, I NEED A CAR!!!) and finished watching the movie and we played mah jongg with Charlene and I decided to go home at 1200. It was snowing and the snow was wet and there was a thin coat on the ground. Traveling down Tremont Street I lost control and the car fishtailed to the right so I cut it to the right and then it fishtailed to the left and I was heading towards a telephone pole. I was like, wow, this is gonna be bad, I better cut it again, so I cut it to the left really hard and ended up missing the telephone pole by 3 feet and hitting a small snow bank. The car was sideways and about a foot behind a parked car in someone’s driveway, it was REALLY cool, I like spun everywhere and ended up sideways, sooo cool, very dangerous, I was kinda shaken up with fear and excitement the whole way home :)
Tuesday: New Years Eve!!! Before I could do anything, I had to clean the bathrooms, vacuum some more and clean my room. So blah, I did all that and hung 2 loads of laundry and folded one and I made my mom's bed. So around 4ish Rachel picked me up and we went to visit Katie at worked and I had a fun time looking around the store because I used to go there as a child and everything has changed so much. I got to drink a Strawberry smoothie and Katie was very knowledgeable about produce. Then we went to Rachel's house and we played Mastermind. I had forgotten how weird the regular version was because I played Delux Mastermind and it's much more complicated. Anyway, my logical approach to the game wasn't very useful, I got the 1st one in 6 and the 2nd one in 5. Rachel's method (that only works for the simple version by the way) got it in 5 each time and when she showed me how it worked, I was able to come up with a combination that would've taken her 7 tries. So she won, by 1, big deal, I'm still smarter because I do mine logically ^_^ Then we went to the Horse And Carriage to eat. Rachel drover me, Dan, Allison, and her mom. I was really tired and decided to nap in the back. We got there, and started looking at the menu. Everything was SOO expensive and I felt really bad if I got something expensive so I decided to go with the Baked Stuffed Scrod, but Rachel said it was too boring so I ordered the Seafood Festival instead, $21.99 eep!!! And I had a bowl of chowder. And I talked to Rachel's parents and we had many interesting conversations, we talked about Traveling and my family and stuff like that, it was fun, Rachel thought it was embarassing. We went back and I fixed Rachel's computer and got rid of all the crap that was starting up then ran Ad-Aware and there was sooo much crap that it hurt me just to look at her computer. Then I installed her mouse and then Travis came and we decided to play another game of monopoly. I got to go second and I landed on Park Place and was faced with a dilemma, in the previous game, I had mortgaged things to get boardwalk, and no one ended up landing on it, but I decided to stick with it and I bought Park Place and was left with a total of $44. Everyone said I sucked and that I needed to be taught Monopoly strategy, Rachel and Travis ended up getting good monopolies and I got Boardwalk, I bought houses and by the end of the game, I dominated the whole thing, Rachel landed on park place 2 times and Boardwalk once (needless to say, she went bankrupt) and Travis landed on Park place too, it was really fun, I won, I was really happy :) Then Aimee and Sean came and we played blackjack, then we all played Spoons and around 1100, we decided to go watch the movie and started watching Romy and Michelle's high school reunion, sometime later, Dave got there and we drank sparkling cider, sooooo good, and then shut off the tape to watch the ball drop and it was just like, blah, not as exciting as before for some reason, then sean, travis, and dave started playing mariokart and when they left, we deicded to finish wathcing the movie. It was a really funny movie and Mira Sorvina is hot :) or she was in Replacement Killers, her voice kinda annoyed me in this movie. Then we decided to play mariokart and then after that, we played Ghost for a while and around 230, travis walked home. Rachel and I just kinda laid there and played different version of Ghost and just kidna help each other until 4 when we decided that it was about time for me to leave, she had to drive me home ( :( I REALLY need a car so she doesn't have to drive me everywhere) and I went to bed
Wednesday: I woke up around 1145 this morning. Today, I had to clean a lot because people were coming over, and then I did some homework, talked to people, helped prepare dinner, ate dinner, people are still here, about to leave I think, finished the john brown reading, finished the dbq outline and NOW, I'm finally done with this entry, that was basically my vacation. It was fun, now we must go back to school tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it at all :( School sucks and I'm not doing well at all, argh, sometimes everything sucks but there's always that somebody who can make it all go away :)