crisper asked how conservatives would react if Barack Obama started pushing an anti-abortion legislation package or a radical roll-back of gun control. He thinks they might turn it into a right-wing scare about arming minorities and encouraging them to breed. I've got an even more cynical theory. I don't think it would change anything at all
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I think you misspelled "being black and a Democrat."
I pointed out that the same study showed that this trend decreased rapidly by age. Young black men used their guns more freely than young white men, but by the time you get to late middle age it's old white men who use their guns more freely than old black men. I suggested that we could perhaps improve the plan by confiscating young black men's guns, give them to young white men, and then when they get to middle age confiscate the guns and give them back to the now-middle-aged black people. As a middle aged white man he didn't seem to think this sounded like a good idea.
I am thinking Archie Bunker vs. Meathead.
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