Charlene Werner on Homeopathy, Cosmology, and Quantum Physics

Apr 14, 2010 14:01

In honor of World Homeopathy Awareness Week I thought I'd re-run an excellent video. Dr. Charlene Werner, opthamologist and homeopath, explains how homeopathy works based on the principles of Cosmology and Quantum Physics. It's a little over eight minutes long and is one of the most rambling, incomprehensible things I've ever heard or seen.

image Click to view

To be clear, this isn't some sort of ambush piece that caught a random patient speaking off the cuff. She's a doctor of developmental optometry and self-professed expert offering her explanation to an audience as well as the camera at a health seminar that she was selected to speak at and presumably prepared for. And then she (or the conference organizers) reviewed and edited the tape, added the captions, and posted it publicly because they thought this sounded really good, and kept it posted until 2009 when it was discovered.

wtf, video, cosmology, homeopathy

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