North California Grilled Cheese Invitational

Feb 21, 2009 10:36

Today is the North California Grilled Cheese Invitational, which combines my two favorite passtimes: eating grilled cheese, and judging things harshly.

Here's how it works: registered competitors show up and cook two grilled cheese sandwiches which are cut into eighths. Registered judges show up and stand in line. At the front of the line the event coordinator tells a judge to go to a table and eat an eighth of grilled cheese sandwich. Ballots are collected and summed in a computer and the winner is the one whose grilled cheese sandwich has the highest mean score. Huzzah.

Update: I forgot to mention that there are three major divisions. The first is "stock". You just use butter, bread, and cheese. Then there's an open-class, which lets you use anything you want. Finally there's a dessert class, where you're still allowed to use everything but judged based on sweet deliciousness.

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