
Jan 05, 2009 00:46

Al Franken appears to have won the Minnesota Senate race in a recount challenge, with crucial support coming from the powerful lizard people bloc.

Right-wing blogs are going nutso again, but this post especially has me confused. Several comments have been posted about "the retarded fucking Scandis" or the "dirty scandi bastards" who are responsible for this. It took me a while to figure out what a "scandi" was, until I realized that this was some sort of racial epithet against scandinavians.

Seriously? After an ugly campaign targeting blacks, jews, middle easterners, and Muslims you guys are going to start going after blonde, blue-eyed northern Europeans now? Call me naïve, but I kinda assumed that they were off-limits.

This reminds me of something that hardnewsinc tweeted on November 4th. Anyone can become the next scapegoat. If you start tolerating racism, your group might be next.

al franken, election2008, race

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