Why Obama?

Oct 25, 2008 13:08

I'm driving to Nevada this weekend to canvass for Obama. Unlike get-out-the-vote phone banking this means talking with swing voters and trying to convince them to change their vote. To get myself prepared I've had to ask myself why I'm voting the way I am. These are my reasons.
Why Obama:
  1. The primary thing that's impressed me from the very ( Read more... )

barack obama, election2008, politics

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agentelrond October 26 2008, 04:18:28 UTC
Quibbles (or more):

1. While Obama is right in making the argument that he wouldn't be able to take away people's gun rights even if he wanted to, that's little solace to some, and the FactCheck articles seemed to always take Obama at his word, setting aside his past actions. (And we all know which speaks louder.) See the Volokh Conspiracy (a thoughtful libertarian-leaning site) for a reaction: http://volokh.com/archives/archive_2008_09_21-2008_09_27.shtml#1222201928

2. Re: who lies more: all lies are not created equal. Numbers don't really tell us anything.

3. Even as a moderate liberal, I'm concerned about the possible expansion of the government under a Dem prez, House and Senate. I can only hope the "Blue Dogs" have enough power to keep spending under control.

4. McCain didn't vote in favor of waterboarding - he voted no to requiring the CIA to keep to the Army Field Manual, because he said that while he feels waterboarding IS torture, he felt that certain 'lesser' interrogation methods (forced nudity, hooding, etc...) should not be disallowed for the intelligence services.


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