Why Obama?

Oct 25, 2008 13:08

I'm driving to Nevada this weekend to canvass for Obama. Unlike get-out-the-vote phone banking this means talking with swing voters and trying to convince them to change their vote. To get myself prepared I've had to ask myself why I'm voting the way I am. These are my reasons.
Why Obama:
  1. The primary thing that's impressed me from the very ( Read more... )

barack obama, election2008, politics

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pjammer October 25 2008, 22:21:04 UTC
My misgivings about Obama

In particular, the infanticide, shady/racist allies he's deep in bed with and the corrupt fund raising shenanigans that the leftwing mainstream media refuses to cover.


pacotelic October 25 2008, 22:40:08 UTC
So along with his J.D. he's also got an M.D. and has actually performed D&C operations??!

What a talented guy. I'm so proud to be voting for him now.


tongodeon October 26 2008, 00:09:14 UTC
Your comment reminded me of a misgiving about taxes that I've edited the post to include.

For the infanticide point, "Obama's critics are free to speculate on his motives for voting against the bills, and postulate a lack of concern for babies' welfare. But his stated reasons for opposing "born-alive" bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden." I do not have misgivings about this.

The "shady/racist allies" charge honestly seems like the pot calling a dump truck full of charcoal black. McCain has been publicly endorsed by the KKK and the amount of race-baiting fabrications coming out of the RNC (officially) and his staffers (unofficially) warrants its own post.

The fund raising shenanigans charge seems totally legit and is worth adding. FECA limits individual contributors to $2,300 per election cycle, and I know people who have exceeded this amount through regular $100-$200 donations every paycheck or so. (They're new to the political process and didn't realize there ( ... )


pjammer October 26 2008, 00:43:19 UTC
With [1] we'll have to agree to disagree.

[2] Did McCain go and SEEK OUT the KKK for endorsement? If so, I stand corrected.

Obama has a disturbing history of willful association seeking out shady/racist miscreants - and each time he's caught, there's the familiar multi-stage denial ("I was never in church when Wright went off his meds and got all Black Supremacist/Evil Whitey Conspiracy" to "Ok, he's a racist piece of shit. But he's like an uncle!" to "Ok ok, he's a racist and I quit his church ... you happy NOW whitey?!")

[3] Fund raising shenanigans are interesting - the deliberate disabling of address verification (which is turned ON by default - you can't buy a $10 DVD with a fake addy) is pretty disturbing and there's no way to spin it as a good-faith error. By way of comparison, neither Clinton nor McCain websites allow non-matching billing addresses of CCs to go through, as it should be. Odd, nobody in news agencies seem to care.


tongodeon October 26 2008, 03:31:04 UTC
Did McCain go and SEEK OUT the KKK for endorsement? If so, I stand corrected.

Sorry, but it seems like you're moving the goalposts. Which "shady/racist allies" on equal footing with the KKK did Obama "SEEK OUT"? Are those groups on par with the KKK for shadiness and racism? Are we talking about just Wright or are there other people? To avoid talking out my ass or bringing up irrelevant issues I have to know who specifically the "shady/racist allies" are.


pjammer October 26 2008, 06:27:53 UTC
"Moving goalposts ( ... )


tongodeon October 26 2008, 21:45:27 UTC
If you can't see the difference between having kooks chime in and say "yeah, I support [X]" and a politician seeking the company/blessings/$$$ of kooks, I don't know what to say.

You're telling me that the KKK fall under the same umbrella of "kooks" as Rezko or Wright? You're trying to morally equate the Klan and the Trinity United Church of Christ? Really now.

McCain's campaign and the RNC have targeted deliberate race-baiting and fear mongering messages to the communities most receptive to them. They have invited the KKK's endorsement all but explicitly.

Tony Rezko, convicted felon/slumlord, who bankrolled Barak's political career/sold property at sub-market rates to Obama.And the damage here is ... what? Are you saying that because slumlord Rezko's developments collaped into disrepair, this indicates that Obama isn't sincere in his commitment to fighting poverty? Because Rezko and Levine split a kickback from a $50 million state pension deal Obama should be suspected of using government funds to personally enrich himself? ( ... )


tongodeon October 26 2008, 22:20:48 UTC
Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines (who bribed/donated to Obama's campaign and - mirable dictu, Obama voted against stronger regulation on mortgages by the likes of Fannie Mae).

So many vague, empty words to parse here. How did Franklin Raines "bribe to Obama's campaign"? Which vote are you talking about? What are you saying this bill have accomplished?

The Raines connection is BUNK. A wild exaggeration. Exactly the sort of reality-detached exaggeration that reflects so poorly on McCain for raising it. Raines and Obama shared 'a couple of calls' in . Meanwhile Rick Davis, the McCain campaign's *CEO*, was the head of the Fannie/Freddie anti-regulation advocacy group.

I respect your thinking process and I know you can't possible equate those two in intellectual honesty.

I don't equate them at all. Obama is a progressive who works with impoverished people and encounters the ignorance endemic within it. He does not reinforce those beliefs. Obama's campaign has not released messages warning blacks to vote against the white man ( ... )


tensegritydan October 27 2008, 19:38:32 UTC
Did McCain go and SEEK OUT the KKK for endorsement?No, but McCain sought out and accepted the endorsement of eschatological wackjob John Hagee. That guy is 10 times the danger to the country that Wright is ( ... )


agentelrond October 26 2008, 16:24:52 UTC

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