A friend just asked a very good question:
is it hypocritical/racist/unPC to not be surprised by black Republicans voting for Obama because of his race but being amazed that many Clinton supporters are expected to lean toward McCain/Palin?
I don't think it is hypocritical, racist, or unPC in this case. Here's why.
Obama is a former civil rights lawyer who supports black issues such as economic opportunity, community development, education and social programs for minorities, racial profiling prevention, and death penalty reform. You can't fault blacks for wanting to vote for this particular black guy, even if they want to vote a little more because he happens to be black.
Palin is opposed to traditionally feminist issues such as reproductive rights. She also supports issues like "
teaching the controversy" on evolution, eliminating environmental regulation including endangered species protection for polar bears, drilling in ANWR, and banning gay marriage with a constitutional amendment. (Those issues aren't necessarily "women's issues" but are issues that are important to most of the women I know.)
So yes, in this particular case it doesn't seem hypocritical to expect black voters to support a black candidate who strongly supports black issues while being surprised that women are actually considering voting for a woman who actively opposes issues important to women.
(My same advice would apply in reverse if Obama had lost the primary and the Republicans ran Alan Keyes as VP to steal disgruntled black votes from Hillary.)
Update: My officemate Jennifer points out that Biden has been a much bigger
supporter of
womens issues: he supported the
Violence Against Women act,
Afghan Womens' Empowerment Act,
fair pay legislation, and the
CEDAW. It seems a little incongruous but if you'd like to advance feminist issues you should probably vote against the woman this time.