David Hicks is a detainee in Guantanamo Bay. The US Government is dropping its charges against him of conspiracy, aiding the enemy and attempted murder because it doesn't have any evidence to prove these charges. That's good. Today they charged him with "material support for terrorism" which his military-appointed lawyer Major Michael Mori says
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Try to remember that when the whole world changed on 09/11, everything Changed - most importantly the failed Liberal Pre-911 Kultur, with it's anachronistic Epistemologies, had to just GO, because they were no longer applicable to the New And Improved, New World Order, where all of that Failed pre-911 Liberal Kultur of a Constitutionalist Republic based upon the Notion of Rex Lex, well, just had to go, since one really can not limit the powers of a War LORD^H^H^H^H President in a time of transfering the tax liabilities unto the unborn.
So People REALLY need to become more Culturally Sensitive to this Post-911 World in which things are exactly what the Red Queen SAYS that they are.... All Hail The Stalinist Divine Miss Dubya!!! For She has always said what she meant, even if the meaning is no longer required to be tied down to any form of space time continum, since clearly these New And Special Powers have Prevented The Iranian Flying Saucers from attacking the World Trade Center a Third Time, and people should Feel Really PROUD of that!!!
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