For some reason I was just thinking of what a movie version of
Robotron would look like. Would you watch it? With the harsh, simple, brightly-colored geometry, the echoey reverb sound effects, and the lasers and dudes with exposed glowing brains I'd watch it for the art direction alone.
Also: perhaps joust. Or perhaps there's a way to write Joust, Robotron, and Galaga into the same movie.
now *that* I would pay to see.
perhaps some sort of Tron like situation where our protagonist is trapped in some sort of video game reality and has to fight or die. could do Joust, Robotron, Galaga, a couple others (Tempest? Qix?), before s/he finally gets forced to play a live actional Super Pac Man and opts for death instead.
I'm thinking it'll be just an immersive movie in its own world without any sort of parallel universe jumping or other connection between theirs and ours. A world where there are giant ostriches and glow in the dark brains and invading insect spaceships and lots of boopy exploding lasers in a black and glowing color palette. That would be the shit.
working out the physics, linguistics, sociology and history of such a world would be a hoot.
this lurid, wonderful movie world with NO EXPLANATION. It'll be bewildering (but fun)
for the first 15-20 minutes, then the story starts to creep up on you, and bit by bit you
start to understand this universe and how it works. But not why. Just like this universe,
there's never any explanation as to why it's there or the way it is. It just is. But it's
internally (mostly) consistent.
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