LJ is some sort of popularity contest which I am apparently winning

Mar 11, 2006 10:13

qp4 just pointed out that I am apparently in the Top 40, sharing the stage with the inestimable zestyping. I'm not quite sure what this means, why I should care, or whether they mean "of idiots who are wasting their time". I'm a little puzzled why superstars like theferrett and his ilk are not on the page.

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Comments 13

arian1 March 11 2006, 18:17:03 UTC
Ever since that cubicle screen got you posted on fark.com. I'm telling ya.


matrushkaka March 11 2006, 18:20:11 UTC
Huh, it's weird that theferret is not in that list.


qp4 March 11 2006, 18:39:09 UTC
The way it reads the data off of google keeps some people from being listed, depending on their LJ settings. For example, I don't let my page get spidered, so when I google my LJ barely anything comes up. I guess theferrett does that as well.

Mark Kraft is on there though, which doesn't suprise me.


tongodeon March 11 2006, 19:34:52 UTC
What's funny is that my journal *is* unspiderable. Google shouldn't be able to turn anything up on me. I've got "Minimize your journal's inclusion in search engine results" checked. Yet a few of them are, like the Work Blind.


spiritualmonkey March 11 2006, 18:42:23 UTC
Many pages on LiveJournal.com itself are not indexed by Google. Thus, a person who is popular among other LiveJournal users may not necessarily rank highly on Google.

Is theferret very f-locked? That might drive down the stats.

Makes sense to me. I always thought you were one of the more interesting people I know. That was before you picked up the eye-candy girlfriend.


madbodger March 11 2006, 19:05:28 UTC
But I wonder. Is that "Zes Typing", or "Zesty Ping"*? Or perhaps "zest typing", combining the T?

* Sounds like a flatus euphemism† to me!

† Or "flateu". Which would be a great LJ nick.


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