Welcome to Irony Friday

Mar 10, 2006 14:35

Via libs_vs_terror: Shia-dominated "Wolf Brigade" death squad renamed the "Freedom Brigade". Bill O'Reilly urges a boycott against wolves.

U.S. trainers also have given extensive support to the National Police, 27 brigades of heavily armed commandos formerly known as the Special Police. The commandos have been accused of a series of abuses, including the death of 14 Sunni Arabs who were locked in an airtight van last summer.

Peterson said that Interior Minister Jabr had fired four brigade commanders over allegations of abuse and corruption. The most notorious commando unit, the Wolf Brigade, was recently renamed the "Freedom Brigade."

"It's about changing images," Peterson said. "We're trying to create the new culture, new representations."

Via mopti: China releases US human rights report.

Human rights violations remain a problem in the United States, including illegal wiretapping, police abuse, wrongful convictions, and the world's highest ratio of people behind bars, according to a report released Thursday by China. The Human Rights Record of the US in 2005 was released in response to the US State Department's annual 2005 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, which were released Wednesday. The country report for China noted that "the government's human rights record remained poor" and that increased controls on the media are particularly problematic. In its response, Chinese officials detailed rights problems within the US and rights abuses perpetrated by US forces around the world, including in Iraq and Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay.

Via poe-news: Guess who wants WMDs again? Iraq!

A former top CIA official said Thursday that despite the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, Iraq is likely to be looking for weapons of mass destruction within the next five to 10 years.

Paul Pillar, who until last year was in charge of intelligence assessments for the Middle East, said the CIA warned the Bush administration before the Iraq invasion in 2003 that a change of regimes would not necessarily solve any WMD problem.

china, irony, iraq, torture, politics

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