Deafies on "Las Vegas"

Aug 08, 2005 13:39

Next to Imageworks is the Culver Studios, where they're filming "Las Vegas".  We share a lunchroom, which means that during lunch (if you go late) the place is filled with actresses from that show.  Women who are quite attractive.  Yessirree.

While getting lunch today I saw two girls signing to each other.  Adopting my best "total dork" impression I went over and said hi.  I made super-dorky small talk for a few minutes: "Hi, my girlfriend is deaf and I can't sign very well but I just wanted to say hi and say it's cool to see deaf people where I work."  Her name is Lucy Wooten: she doesn't appear on the IMDB or anywhere in Google which probably means she's an extra, but still, that was cool.  Except for the part where I did the sign version of babbling like a total dork in front of a really hot girl.

hott chicks, deaf, work

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