Lipreaders at the Debate

Oct 14, 2004 08:53

At the end of last night's debate, Bush stopped to say something to Kerry. None of my friends knew what was said, but I offered to show the QuickTime video to matrushkaka to see if she could read what he said. Another deaf lipreader already beat her to it, though:

"anyway, I am new tonight... as you may not have seen me before in here.. just a FYI that I am deaf here and can read lips okay..

at the end of debate where Kerry and Bush shook hands.. Bush was asking Kerry, Can I talk to you later tonight? Kerry said sure then Bush said where would you be? I missed what Kerry said.

I wondered what Bush wanted to talk to Kerry about??

... not good. Not. Good. At all.
I watched them talk after, and it seemed like Kerry was surprised... something was off. I was wondering what was said...

When the president asks to talk to you, you don't not meet with him...

Whatever Bush says, whatever it sounds like, I wouldn't trust it worth a damn.

But Kerry's a senator... he knows the game."

matrushkaka, deaf, election2004

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