May 19, 2008 14:59
Deities, your sense of humour does not impress.
To anyone who spoke to me while I was in that state, (Shimizu Raimei, Vash) do forget all about it. I was not myself, I would never act like such a snivelling crybaby otherwise.
Czeslaw, I appreciate you were concerned for me. Perhaps we can speak now I am back to normal. I could use some civil company. I need to avoid talking to that idiot at all costs.
Yoh, did you get out? We lost track of you during that mess in the clinic.
Faust, can you give me something for this damn cold please? I wish to get back to training as soon as possible, but all the sneezing makes it difficult. Did you...restrain find Eliza? Is she back to normal? I know it wasn't really her fault what happened.
[Filtered to the Baka-Ainu: Hard to Hack]
We are NEVER speaking of what happened in that cursed place again, UNDERSTAND?
If I hear one word from you about it, so help you, it will be your last. So, if you value your life Baka-Ainu, keep your mouth shut! got the headband I see.
[OOC: Strikes hard to see, but not impossible. Back to normal? Why yes, I believe he is. ^^ Act of Kindness/Humility got him out when he used the headband around his wrist to cool Horo's red face (blushing, though Ren feared he was sick ^^) and admitted he respected Horo, so they both got out, still backlogging though. And of course, Ren is now very embarrassed and pissed off at how he acted. Do poke him. XD]
that never happened!,
back to normal,
shimizu raimei,
out of mirror city,
still not well