Mar 31, 2008 16:19

been down the whole weekend and today with fever and some kind of mutant throat infection (possibly tonsilitis) for which doctor gave me antibiotics and panadol and also zentax and cough syrup for blocked nose, flu and cough - which I do not have. forsee a trip to a different clinic tomorrow... if i can get up lol. i wanted to drag myself down to 7-11 to grab powder 6 but everything gets woozy when i move my head so i've been sleeping or sitting very still reading Quicksilver for hours on end. this is what plants must feel like!

ofc once I drag myself to the PC I discover all over my flist news of a BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL ANIME!!! (trailer)

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it's all menacing looks & flying limbs & unwashed Manji. LOVE

series-mugen no jyuunin, rl

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