Sep 13, 2013 18:03

The last time Bruce Springsteen sweated on me at a concert (that was a long time ago, folks), I didn't wash my arm for a month. The last time I stepped into a Walmart, I bathed three times a day...for a month straight.

OK. OK. So not all Walmart stores are dumps, but quite a few of them ARE. They're soulless, uninspiring environments packed with so many mutants that the People of Walmart Website can't possibly keep up with all the content it receives fast enough.

Now...this doesn't mean that you're a loser if you shop at Walmart. It's just that...a lot of "A"'s shop there

A's are losers
B's are not losers (like you and me)
Both A's and B's shop at Walmart
Therefore not all Walmart shoppers are losers
Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum)


Picking on Walmart has become a national pastime (not to mention the most accurate set of stereotypes ever perpetuated). It's all fun and games until somebody gets offended or a greeter gets trampled by a mob of holiday shoppers.

So what's my beef?
Simply shouldn't be able to buy classy, white, shiny, new Apple products at a discount at Walmart.
It's ungodly. It's un-Steve Jobsey. It's a joke And, ultimately, the joke's on Apple.

Throw all of these big box retailers into a pile -- Walmart, Best Buy, and the somewhat more tolerable Target. They'll sell just about anything (unless, of course, it has offensive lyrics) if there's a chance you'll buy it.
But why would classy, white Apple want to be a part of this on any level?

Because the class (and heart and soul) of fast fading under Tim Cook
It's now Samsung that has people excited.
The new iPhones are boring.Truly boring
A 50 point stock price drop in one day says they are.

It's gotten so that when I do my weekly run give away free Smartphones to the poor and homeless, who gather, with cardboard signs on their chest, on the exit ramp on 400 South, exit 7...I give them Samsung Galaxy IV's...and not iPhones .

And...product-life reality has set in. Like all of technology, after the honeymoon of shock and awe are over, it's a race to the bottom. Clearly smartphones aren't "special" anymore. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that one could buy an iPhone at Best Buy in the morning and another at Wal-Mart later in the day and have the SAME person working two jobs ringing up the sale.

But...given the possibility that an A-type may have bought and returned the phone...I don't even want to touch the new Walmart-discounted iPhones

One more thing..
Yeah..I know, I know...
Some of you probably think that the guy on the left is "very hot".
Hey...bless his soul.
Bear Community inclusion..that's what I always say


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